Chapter 3- Drunk Gia?

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Word count- 1557

"Are you sure?" I ask and he nods

"Kare-bear called me. She's drunk. I could hear someone else behind her as well. I think it was Gia" he explains

"It's Angelina" I mumble and he rolls his eyes, nodding.

Gia is only what I call her.

"Don't you want to come?" He asks

"Of course I do. I mean yeah sure. Whatever" I say quickly.

I pick up my leather jacket, and follow him out of the house.

All day I've been with Caitlin. Gia came once, but that was to go with Kara.
It's 8 in the evening now, and Caitlin is asleep.

We sit inside the car and Dimitri drives quickly.

If anyone had told me that Dimitri would fall in love, I would laugh at them, and then he would shoot them.

It was impossible for him to fall in love.
But now? Meeting this Dimitri and the old one, there's a huge difference.

This new Dimitri, wakes up in the morning and the first thing he wants to see is Kara.

I'm the same with Caitlin. Caitlin is the world to me. When she was with Gia, I would wake up in the morning, and look at her picture, just as my phone rang. Then Caitlin would wish me a good morning, saying she's eating pancakes.

My morning would go great after that.

"We're here" Dimitri says, parking the car.

We get out and walk towards the entrance of the club. It's the same club that Dimitri met Susie, and the one where Kara, sat on the table talking to Susie, like they were best friends.

I noticed Gia. She looks beautiful in a tight black dress. Can she breathe?
I frown as I notice her dancing with two boys, their hands all over her.

I walk past Dimitri, and onto the dance floor.

I push one guy away from them and the other one moves on his own.

"Hey! I want to dance!" Gia looks at them.

"You want to dance? Yeah let's go home" I bend down and pick her up bridal style.

"Am I flying?" She gasps wrapping her arms around my neck.

I walk down the dance floor, and out of the club. I walk towards the car, but then stop.

I place her down on the ground as her dress lifts up. I see her black lace underwear, but shake my head, pulling her dress down.

"You're going to stand here. Quietly" I say and she nods covering her mouth.

"We're going to wait for Dimitri, and then drop you off home" she shakes her head then points to her mouth.

"You can talk" I say and she removes her hand.

"I want to sleep next to Caitlin." She pouts at me.

"Caitlin?" I say

She sleeps with me. Gia wants to sleep with me.

I don't mind, but I don't want to wake up in the morning with someone hitting me with a heel, thinking I took advantage of them.

And I don't think she's a virgin, right? She's been with Adam for 3 years now. I think.

"Please Seth" she places her chin on my chest looking up at me.

"What about your boyfriend?" I ask

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