23. Ugly & boring rant

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I'm awake right now,
My eyes are wide open,
Tears rolling down.

Sleep is meant to come,
And it will come,
But I don't want to sleep.

I want to lie down to my side,
And think about my life,
About the me who is no longer the same.

Once I was a beloved granddaughter,
I lived with my grandparents,
And adored them.

I still do,
So why then,
Have I changed?

My attitude has changed,
When I love someone I don't show it,
I hide it behind a curtain of evil.

I am evil,
I am no longer so likeable,
Heck even my mother rejects me.

The friends I made,
The ones who listened,
I have left them all behind.

I left them,
I deceived them.
I told them I'll come back but I never did.

But what can I do?
I am no longer under my own control,
None of this was done by choice.

I am sad right now,
I loathe every part of me,
But it's all out of my hand. 

Someone else is holding the remote,
People say it's god,
But I don't know if I believe in him.

But I've always known this one thing,
Sadness is addictive,
Much more than any illegal drug.

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