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Your pov~

"So you nervous for grade eight piano?" My piano teacher asks while I give her my theory book holding the answers to the required questions.

"Yeah but my drama teacher just piled on even more work for me. He assigned me the role of Juliet in Romeo and Juliet!" I say exasperated.

"Oh dear, who's Romeo?~" she says wriggling her eyebrows

"You probably don't know him, but a boy called Eren jäeger"

"I recognise his name, I think I worked with his father a few years back in teaching, grisha, I think. He taught science I taught music of course" she says happily handing back my marked book. I hum back acknowledging what she said.

"But the worst thing about it is that mr Oluo says we have to do the kiss scene!" I say taking out my grade eight piano book and putting it on the piano stand.

"Ooooo, have you kissed him before?"

"Yes, but let's just say he was drunk and I didn't want to. I don't want to say what else happened that night. It was a party that got out of hands, it was bound to happen " I say looking down at my clenched fists shamefully. I feel Michelle's hand on my shoulder.

"(Y/n)... It's gonna be ok." She says giving me a warm, sympathetic smile

"And if you're worried about the stress of the piano exam and the play, don't worry! If you where to do your exam today then I would bet you would still get a distinction, even if you took it months ago you would get a distinction!"

"Thanks Michelle "

"Anyway down to business!" She claps her hands together and I nod lightly placing my hands on the keys ready to play.

Time skip~

"I'll see you next week yn

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