Molly (WCOC)

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Name: Molly

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Name: Molly

Gender: She-Cat

Clan (if rouge or kitty pet, put N/A): Barn Cat

Age (in moons): 35-50 Moons

Status (apprentice, queen, ect,): Leader

Quote: "You've got some nerve for a pretty little clan cat."

Eye color: Blue

Pelt color: White, dark ginger

Markings: Harlequin Spotted Tabby

Scars: Small scar on her hind left leg

Body type: Slender, Tall

Other appearance traits: Oriental

Personality: Strong, Stubborn, Ambitious.

Likes: Protecting, Leading and Training cats.

Dislikes: Being put in lower ranks, water, snow.

Parents: Undecided

Siblings: Undecided

Mate: None

Kits: None

Mentor: Undecided

Apprentice: Undecided

Friends: Undecided

Enemies: Undecided

Best skill: She has a level-head when it comes to decisions.

Other skills: She has strong paws.

Powers (if any): None

Weaknesses: She can't stand losing cats.

Leadership (out of ten): 10

Agility (out of ten): 7

Stamina (out of ten): 5

Speed (out of ten): 5

Stealth (out of ten): 9

Strength (out of ten): 10

Defense (out of ten): 4

Fighting style: She tends to sneak up on a cat before hitting them with all of her strength.

Other features (blind, deaf, ect.): None

): None

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