#2 No more Nightmares

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Title: No more Nightmares.
Category: Romance & Hurt/Comfort.
Disclaimer: I don't own Fairy Tail.
Rating: T.
Warning: Rating T for all the CURSES and BLOODY scenes.
Note: Sorry for the wait... I've just been a little stressed with the exams. Exams just coming a lot, like we have a Biology test on 2nd period , and then on 3rd period and 4th in the same day, we have Literature. And the next day we have Math. Seriously, I almost exploded. We also had lots of project and a very important History presentation to do. That caused us argue a lot. The arguement had been a little too... serious... And I was very frustrated to think about anything. Too busy and too lazy, too. I'm really sorry. I'm currently working on the next oneshot.


He stood in the darkness, alone. He frowned, shouting:

"Is anyone here?!"

No reply.

He shook his head in disappointment. Damn, where was he?

Suddenly, a flash of light washed over his face, and before he could knew what just happened, he was already in a forest. He couldn't help but let out an angry yell:

"What the hell?!"

First, darkness. And now, a fucking forest and god damn, he didn't know where was it. It just popped out of nowhere. He groaned in annoyance and kept walking straight.

He really had no idea about where was he going... Where was everyone?

And without warning, a man jumped down from a tree nearby, wearing dark clothes and didn't seem to have good intentions.

"Enemy, huh? All of a sudden..."

He frowned, but quickly frozing the man. He thoght it was done, since he didn't mean to be lost in the forest, but after the man was defeated, another ones came in.

"What?!" He shouted in surprise.

He immediately knocked down them, one by one. Damn, at leats it wasn't that hard. They were weak as hell.

"AHHH!!!" A loud yell caught his attention.

That voice, sounded somehow familiar... It was... It was...


He was running as fast as he could, to the place where the voice came from. His heart was beating so fast. He was worried with the thought of something might happen with her.


Finally he came. But soon, he stopped in his track at the sight.

Erza was chained with some kind of strange lianas and was beated up really badly. Blood dropped on the ground, spreading out, some places on the ground were imbrued with the red color of blood. A man was standing in front of her, smriking victoriously, pleased with his work.

His heart seemed to clench really hard. He was angry, and speechless.

As he was about to save her, all the men that blocked his way just a few minutes before appeared, and they trapped him.

The smirk on the man's face grew wider. With one last magic attack, her body fell to the ground, motionless. He could see blood everywhere...

His eyes went wide in horror. The look on her face, before she died...


Her look was almost like... pleading. She was pleading him to save her. And he couldn't do anything.

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