Break of Dawn

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Break of Dawn is the only moment when the World is at its quietest; it's the moment before Everything begins. It's always at that moment I decide who I'll be when the Sun rises and who I'll have become when it sets over the Horizon.

It's when I forgive Yesterday for its mistakes and give Today a chance to be better. I let go of the Hate I've been holding onto and open my Heart to the Love the Wind brings. When I stare into this vast reflection of the Sky, I can only see reflections of my own Soul and Spirit; of my Pain and Joy; of my Beauty and of my Shadow as well.

It's as if, during those few minutes I'm sitting there, I feel nothing and everything; I am No One and Everyone at the same time. The Ocean and I become one, but I can still feel the cold Sand under my bare Feet. Break of Dawn is when the World is at its quietest, but ever speaks so loudly to me.

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