Part 3!

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( I'm going to be editing and add some stuff in the story here and there
10/5/17 ).

(Y/n's point of view)

A door slammed as I jolted awake, I looked out my window and saw it was still dark. I checked my phone and it was 1:24am. I heard someone talking which was muffled, I assumed it was my father.. "Hell.. Your sure as dead to me..". He sounded mad. This is my cue to get the fuck out of here. So I quickly grabbed my bag and stuffed what ever I had in it, which isn't much to be honest. I quietly opened my window and slid one leg out then the rest of my body. My foot slipped and I fell with a slight 'oof' onto my back. It knocked the wind out of me for a second, my back stunged from the fall. I heard him yelling, I quickly jumped out and started running fast as I could away from that hell hole. I ran into a buff menacing guy. "S-Sorry!" I said quickly tried to run off.. Key word "tried". The man turned around and grabbed my arm and "Where do ya think yer goin!?" he said with his stank breath. My face scrunched up and I almost gagged because of the smell. I nailed him right in the balls, he quickly released me and held his groin area with him sounding like a dying moose. I bolted away from the revolting man, and ran a left and a right. I ran for a good while, my legs started to hurt and I was practically gasping for air. It started pouring rain so I ran under a bridge and waited for the rain to stop. I noticed another person was there.. I was cautious and said "H-Hello?.." . He pulled his coat hood down and he had white hair and red eyes with a red thing on his cheek that looks like a snake. He smiled softly and said "Hello there!" His smile soon faded as he saw my bruised face. "Are you alright miss?.." . I quickly covered my face with my hood "Y-Yeah I'm f-fine". He was about to say something but another man errupted. "Hey Shion, the rain doesn't look like it's going le- Who's this?.." He said while noticing me. "No one important " I said and turned to leave. But "Shion" grabbed my hand and said "My new friend" , I turned around and said "What...". I looked at the man again and realized it was Nezumi. He looked and our eyes only connected for a second before I ducked my head down. "Oh really Shion?, What's your new friends name then" he said while smirking and walking closer. I moved back slowly. But Shion had a iron grip on me and said "Uh.. I never really got your name, what is it?" I said nothing but tried break free. Nezumi was right in front of us. I sighed and said quietly but audible "M-my name is.. (Y/n)..". "Thought so" Nezumi said. He quickly pulled down my hood and showed my bruised face again. His smirk disappeared, he reached for my face and flinched away violently. "Who did this.." He said, his voice sounded really distraught. "N-no one, listen I r-really need to go..", I tried escape but Shion still had his grasp on me, so I couldn't really move. "Yeah, you need to go with us" Nezumi said, Shion suddenly grabbed my other arm and locked it with his.
"Yes, I need to treat your wounds "
"H-Hey!, let me go!" I started to thrash to get out of both of their grips. They only tightened their grips on me and made it harder to get out of. And not to mention I was seriously freaking the fuck out on the inside. I mean, who just lets two strangers take them even though the "nice" one said he'd treat my wounds. This could be a trick for them to do who knows what with me. I started slightly shaking because I terrified. Shion noticed this. "H-Hey, We're not going to do anything bad to you. Please calm down.." . I calmed my shaking but I was seriously still freaking out, my chest and head started to sting and I just kept hear this ringing in my ears and muffled voices. I shot to the ground and held my chest in pain, I was breathing really heavy. I looked up and saw Nezumi and shion, they looked worried. But mostly Shion was freaking out, my eyes felt heavy. I started see black dots, my entire body felt numb. I just felt nothing nor hear nothing, just the ringing in my ears. And now I see

(Soo.. basically you passed tf out. Lmao.)

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