Part 4

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Y/N. Age: 6...

I-I'm running.. through a forest.. the village, everything is on fire. I hear screaming.. I'm scared, I'm so scared.. m-mom. I'm so sorry I couldn't help or protect you. Please f-forgive me. I heard shouting from behind me, it's the same man.. who killed mom. She died while protecting me, I started crying even more now. I heard a loud BANG and felt emense pain in my back, I fell to the ground and screamed out.
The man was right behind me, he was laughing so hard he was clutching his stomach. While he was laughing I grabbed a rock and smashed it against his head, it make a sickenly cracking sound. He dropped his gun, I quickly grabbed it and started to run away. I turned around and saw he was bleeding from his head pretty bad he looked pissed. "Haa.. hAhA.. AHAHAAA COME HERE YOU LITTLE BITCH!!"
He jumped up and bolted after me laughing like a maniac. Tears sprung into my eyes as I ran fast as I possibly could. My lungs and legs felt like they are on fire, It hurts so much. Everything hurt so much. Before I could look back to see if he was there, I was tackled to the ground on my back. The man straddled me and ripped the gun out of my grasp then punched me in the face before I could do anything. I was in a dazed but I pulled myself together and gripped handfuls of dirt from the forest ground and threw at his face before he could even spoke. He jolted back a bit and his hands went towards his eyes as he yelled, I freed my legs and I kicked him in the throat. I managed to stun him for a moment, I quickly snatched the gun out of his hand and pointed at him. It seemed like time slowed down. The fire to carted a radiant glow upon everything it touched, Slowly consuming and turning everything to ash as I stare into the man's red, bloodshot eyes.
He smiles wildly and screams " DO IT! SHOOT ME!!" . I tirely smile and say "Okay", His face was confused for a moment and as he was going to say something. I pulled the trigger and shot him in the middle of the chest
forever making him silent. I swayed a bit and dropped the gun. I just stood there. Not moving as the flames started the burn up the now dead man. I was so tired, it seemed like everything was a dream. I snapped back into reality when the flames was licking at my heels. I quickly ran through the forest again, but this time. Trying to escape the wild flames that's consuming everything it touches. I kept running until I spotted a woman struggling to carry a young boy on her back. "MISS!" I croaked out while running toward her, "ARE YOU OKAY?!". She weakly smiled "Yes I'm alright, but this young man is not".
I looked at the boy, I recognized him. But I can't remember his name. I offered to carry him for her, and she obliged. We quickly went to where she was staying, the flames died down as we was getting farther and farther away. Just ahead I see a little hut in the distance, it was kinda small but it looked cozy. As we approached the old lady spoke "Go ahead and lay him on the futon dear". I nodded as she opened the door for me. She quickly went got a bowl of clean water and a rag. As she was getting those she added " Don't put him on his back, he has burns. I need to treat them". I gently got him off my back and layed him on his stomach. Before I got up I got a good look of his state. He was covered in ash and blood. I bet I don't look to good as well. I grimaced and quickly went and helped the old lady.
I helped her clean his wounds and put ointment on his burns. While doing so she smiled lightly and said " It must have been hell out there dear, you can call me gran if you like. After we're done, I'll help patch you up too". I just quietly nodded. The boy looked a lot better after we bandaged him up. I when and got up to throw away the dirty bandages, on the way I passed a little mirror. I looked terrible. My clothes was tattered and cover in ash, the back of my shirt was bloody from that man shooting man. But thank goodness it grazed me, but that impact made trip. Oh god I'm so dirty..
I sighed and threw away the used bandages, I came back and gran was there. So I sat beside the boy to keep an eye on him. It was very quiet. The sound was our breathing, I noticed he stirred a bit and opened his eyes a bit. He blinked a couple times to get used of the light, he looked around the room for a quick second but then his eyes fixated on me. I didn't want him to be scared or anything so I smiled.
He didn't really react to it, his eyes started flutter shut. I assumed he passed out again. I stared at his for a moment to make sure he was okay, my vision started to get hazy. I couldn't focus anymore. My entire body felt like dead weight, I became sluggish and decided to lay down. I gave into my tired state, slowly closed my eyes and give into the inevitable exhaustion.

[ Honestly I'll add more later. But I got a bit of inspiration so here ya go. :3 ]

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