20~ Kara's Gift

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We gathered all the kids together while Kara was away at her friend's house again.

"So, we need to get a gift for Kara," I told the kids." We know she's more open to you guys then to us. Did she tell you about what she wants?"

There was a considerable silence, then an answer from Lily."She said something to me about it when we were talking a few days ago. She said she hopes she could go to Michigan."

The four of us adults gave looks to each other. "Michigan?" Jessie asked. Lily nodded.

"Are you sure?" Christy asked. Lily nodded again.

"I can't remember why she did. Though she sounded very solemn when she said it."

"Of course!" Rhett said.

"What?" I asked.

"They lived in Michigan before! That's where Avery's grave is!"

"Do you know where exactly?" I asked him.

Rhett shook his head."No, but I can look it up. It's probably all over the internet." He took out his phone and we all waited, then, finally, Rhett said, "Grand Rapids. I should have figured, that is where they lived."

I nodded."So, should we all go on this trip? Or should it be only us adults going with her--"

"Please not," Locke said.

"How about you and Rhett go with her?"Jessie suggested.

"Yeah," Christy agreed."That would be nice."

"But how are we gonna get there?" I asked."A plane costs a lot of money."

"I bet we could do it," Christy said."We want her to feel welcome and know that we do love her. And you two should be the only ones with her. I bet that would help ease the tension."

I wanted to say that it wouldn't, but I had a feeling that was an argument I wouldn't win."Okay. I'll buy three two-way tickets as soon as I can. And I'll book them for her exact birthday."

"Okay," Christy said."That'll work. And I'll make a cake for when you three come back. But you're gonna have to leave early; it's probably a long ride."

I nodded."I'll look at flight times when I can. Hopefully they're at good times."

Rhett looked at every one of the kids."None of you can tell Kara about this. It's a surprise."He especially looked at Shepherd and Lando.

There was then a knock on the door."I'll get it,"Lily said. She opened it and saw Kara, along with her friend, Alice, and her adoptive mom, Ashley.

"Oh my gosh, oh gosh, oh gosh, oh gosh, oh gosh!!!" Alice shrieked in awe."This is what your house looks like! And oh my gosh, I finally get to see all of you!"

Alice went around shaking hands with a repeated"Oh my gosh!". Kara facepalmed, obviously disapproving in her friend's behaviour.

Ashley simply shook hands with all us adults and said, "I'm Ashley Evans. Nice to meet you."

"Oh my gosh!" Alice exclaimed once more."I still can't believe it!"Kara went up to Alice, whispering something in her ear. Alice blushed. "Oh, sorry! I didn't mean to embarrass you!" Kara facepalmed once more.

"Alice," Ashley called."It's time for us to go!"

"Oh, right!" Alice said."Bye guys! It was nice to meet you!"

Once the two left, Kara sighed."No matter how many times I tell her not to, she always does. If she ever comes over again, expect the same reaction."

We all laughed, causing Kara's cheeks to turn cherry red.

That was definitely a fun time, despite the tension between the two of us.

What a good ending to the day.

Hey guys!! You have no idea how much fun I hads writing the Alice part! I was smiling the whole time! :)))))))

I can't believe it, but I'm almost done with the book, or so I think. That means the epilogue will come soon. And that means that if you haven't voted for who will narrate the epilogue, you can now! Remember, it should be Link or Kara. 


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