22~ To Her Own Thoughts

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I looked all around for Kara, yet she wasn't there. Rhett told me he'd look outside and see if he could find her. I was terrified. Out of all the days for her to go missing! This couldn't be right!

I waited by my door, looking out the window and waiting for Rhett to come back, hopefully with Kara. Our flight would leave in just a little bit, and we couldn't afford that. It was already six-thirty.

Finally, I exhaled with relief, seeing Rhett drive up with Kara in the passenger seat. When they came in, I could see Kara's face was tear-stained. I wondered why, and where Rhett could have found her.

"Kara,"I said."You scared the crap out of us!"

"I know,"Kara said, her voice cracking. She left for her room, taking her violin with her.

I looked at Rhett."What happened?"

"Well, she was at the graveyard--"

"Graveyard? Here? Evrett was buried here in LA?"

Rhett nodded."She went there with an umbrella and her violin. I saw her crying by Evrett's gravestone."

I had a feeling Rhett wasn't telling the full truth, but I decided not to push him."Well, we need to hurry. The plane will leave very soon."

"What plane?" I looked behind me to see Kara, changed into dry clothes, her eyes still a bit red and puffy from crying."Where are you guys going? It wouldn't be for your silly show, would it?"

I shook my head."No, it's not for us. Kara, it's your birthday! We're gonna bring you to Michigan."

All the color drained out of her face."Guys-- How did you know? I didn't tell anybody--"Kara looked at Rhett and she straightened up, her face now as cold as stone. "Finally. You finally do something that I like."

I looked at Rhett, who was facepalming."Am I missing something here?"

"I told you Kara," Rhett said, trying to hide his laughter. "I told you it wouldn't work. You're such a bad liar and actor."

"No I'm not!" Kara yelled."I'm not, so shut up!"

Rhett looked awfully surprised at that. He flinched as Kara stomped away."Well, I guess I'm not missing anything. That seems more like Kara. But again, we should hurry. We're only staying for a short amount of time, so we didn't really have to pack any bags. Rhett, did you? No? Good."

As soon as we got there, Kara seemed to know exactly where to go. She seemingly knew the city by heart, living there for so long that it was implanted in her memory, despite the years of not living there.

"Turn left. Now right. Gosh, stop at the red light, Link! I could drive better than you!"

"Easier said than done," I told her.

"Whatever. But wait-- dang it, Link! You missed the turn!"

After some time of yelling and insults from Kara and a silence from Rhett we arrived to the cemetery.

This is weird. Silently I walked around all the gravestones. For a child's birthday, you choose to bring her to a cemetery. I hope she won't burst out in tears likeslikes she obviously did this morning, that wouldn't be great...

"There it is!" Kara said, stopping to a tall cross-shaped granite gravestone. She read off the carving."Avery Schmitt, 1977-2006. No other heart would steal mine with such kindness. My mom wrote that, I can tell. She would speak that way. She did talk about Dad a lot, how amazing he was, how nice he was, how he was paralyzed from the waist down. But she never said anything about you guys. Whenever I would ask about you, Rhett, she would push the conversation quickly to something else. I then just gave up."

Kara sat down on the bench, her violin in its case right next to her."Guys, can I have a moment alone? I want to talk to my dad. I miss him."

Rhett and I went a short distance away and left Kara to her own thoughts.

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