Great,Just Great

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Zane and I continued talking during the rest of homeroom.I got a lot of glares from people and I could here a lot of whispers from around the room.Probably because I am new and I am talking to Zane already."Hey Y/N what is you next class?"Zane asked out of nowhere but I wasn't really shocked."Um...I don't know let me check my schedule."I look at my schedule and I saw what my next class is."Huh this is weird I have Witchcraft next.But I'm not a witch nor do I have any interest in learning magic."I say as a stare at Zane.Zane starts laughing."You should probably try to get that changed then.Even though it might not help."Zane said to me and I sighed."Great,well I guess I'm going to head to my next class.Bye Zane."I said as the bell rang and I headed out of homeroom to find my next class.Once I got there,there was a lot of talking and yelling and such.Just when I sat down a potion got thrown at me.People looked back at me and started laughing.I scowled and gave them all a death glare.Immediately the all shut up and turned around in their desk.I smirked and sighed.I then felt a tap on my shoulder.I looked over to see Katelyn."What Katelyn?"I said I was clearly annoyed."Well I'm glad you remembered my name but there is something you need to know."I raised my eyebrows at her as she pulled out a mirror.I looked at it and I could not believe my eyes."I-i have a tail and cat ears."I said through closed teeth trying to keep myself from yelling.I balled my hands into fist."Who through that potion at me.They are going to feel pain."I scowled at I stared Katelyn in the face.She had a guilty look on her face."That would be me and Katelyn here's fault."I girl behind me said.The girl was Lucinda.I couldn't hold back anymore.I screamed out."You two did this to me!!!Fix it now!!!"I screamed at the top of my lungs.I was filled with anger.I didn't care that I was making a scene."You see about that Y/N we can't do that.But don't worry if I did that spell correctly then it should were of in about six hours.Even if I did the spell wrong it shouldn't be longer then a day."I sighed and glared a Lucinda."You better be correct if not I'm coming to get you."I said as the end of class came.Great,just great I will be like this until the end of the day.Could the day get any worse?
Oh don't worry reader-chan it can get a lot worse and it does.Well anyways thanks for reading!Bye loves!

Warming up to You ZanexReader Book 1/4 *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now