The third wheel. Pt.1

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-(reader name)p.o.v
Well let me cut to the chase. My name is (first name) (last name) and I'm a third wheel. Yep two years ago my best friend got with my crush, and I was stuck with the heart breaking job of hanging with them while they suck face or cuddle. Yep my heart is more broken than an old mans Windows back in the 1980s. But I know the best thing I can do is just tell her and move on. And that's what I'm going to do. "Hey (crush name) um if you can, can you come over I want to talk to you about something?" I say into my phone. "Yeah sure, should I bring (best friend name) along, he is your best friend?" I cringe slightly at the fact that even though I hate my best friends guts I still like him (as a friend) "no this is just an us thing." I say "oh ok, I'll be over in a few minutes.
-(crush name) p.o.v
I get ready to see my bestest friend as he wanted to talk to me about something. I put on a hoodie and some skinny jeans. "Hey where are you going?" I heard a voice behind me I turn and see my boyfriend (best friend name) "oh Jesus, you scared me. Anyways (reader name) wants to talk to me about something. So I'm going over to his place. We're probably gonna watch a movie or something, nothing to important." I say hugging him "oh well let me grab my coat and I'll come with." I let go and peck his lips. "Sorry hon you have to sit this one out, he said this was a just us thing. It's been a while where it was just me and him." He gave me a mysterious look. "You know I don't trust him, especially around you. Just be careful." I turn to him in shock "Hey he's your best friend! And beside if (reader name) liked me he would've put a move on me already!" I wait expecting his response. "Oh don't think I haven't seen how he eyes you while we're hanging out, he likes you and hasn't moved on." He yells "you know what I'm leaving. A dear friend is in need of me and I am willing to help." I shout and slam the door. I almost start to cry as recently he's been more defensive lately and we've been going through some terrible fights and I feel like it's going down the drain. Anyways off to (readers
Name)'s place
-(Reader's name) p.o.v
I hear a knock on my door and I open it to see my life long friend and crush. "Hey (crush name) how's it going." She looked a little down "not so good, me and (best friend name) got into another argument. But hey you said you needed to talk to me let's talk." She says letting herself in and sitting on the couch. I sat across from her and I run my hands through my hair. "Okay let's just get this over with. So before I start I just want you to listen to what I have to say, and I don't want this to affect us in any bad way. Let me just cut right to the chase. "(Crush name) I've been in love with you since 2nd grade but I've never really had the guts to tell you because I was afraid of you rejecting me and ruining our relationship. But now that your dating (best friend name) I've lost my chance. Now I don't want you to break up with him and get with me, I love the thought of you two together, as a family. So what you do with this info is up to you." I end and I sit their waiting for her response. "(Reader name) I don't know what to say. You should've have told me sooner, you kept me waiting. But I love (best friend name) now I'm sorry." I just stare and smile "I knew you'd say that, well except the whole you kept me waiting. Anyways while your here wanna watch a movie or something?" I ask like nothing happened. "Yeah sure what do you wanna watch?" She asks. "We can watch some horror movies, you always like those. I'll go make some popcorn and wine."
We were tired, marathoning horror movies and a couple of time she jumped and hung on to me. "Oh shit I gotta go." She gets up and runs for the door but stops. "Hey (reader name) I had fun we should start doing this again." She says "yeah" is all I could say.
-(crush name) p.o.v
I enter through the door to my home and there he was just sitting there on the couch waiting for me. "Oh hey babe sorry that took so long, after we talked we watched a movie and that escalated to a marathon of movies popcorn and wine." I say taking my hoodie off and getting into my sleep wear which consisted of (sleep top) and a pair of sweat pants. "Oh really what did you talk about?" He asks a little aggravated.  "Oh its personal." I say hoping he doesn't try to force it out of me. "No I wanna know, what the fuck did you talk about." He said getting up and into my face. "Okay you need to back off okay. And if you must know (reader name) was just going through something and needed me." I say matching his tone. "Oh really how'd you help. Maybe a little stripping here and there?" I was pissed off. "I'm done. I was going to have a romantic rest of the night. You know watch some tv and shit. But no I'm staying the night as (reader name) at least he doesn't get in my face out of anger and jealousy. When I come back you better start acting like an adult." I say grabbing some fresh clothes, my toothbrush and toothpaste and other things I need.

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