The third wheel pt.3

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(Reader name) p.o,v
I hit him. I actually hit him! I knocked him straight in the mouth and he just fell over like a bag of rocks. "Oh my god." Was all I could muster. "I'm so sorry (crush name). I should've neve-" I was interrupted by her speaking up "You have nothing to be sorry for, he's the one busting in the house, he was drunk and was trying to hit you. I'm surprised you actually knocked him out." She said getting up "also he is not my boyfriend, that is not the man I fell in love with, that is an unloyal cheating piece of trash that had the balls to cheat on me." She said putting a hand on my shoulder. "Here let's get him home and grab your stuff and you can stay for as long as you need." I say grabbing my keys and lifting the unconscious body of my so called "friend"into my car.
After dropping off dickbag mcgee at the house we grabbed (crush name)'s stuff and brought it home. "God, I know I shouldn't be the one to say this but, today sucked." I say breaking the silence of the living room. "Oh I give you full permission to say that, and I agree." (Crush name) said scooting closer. "Why can't I ever get a nice guy who I know won't ever leave me for another and better woman? God I hate guys." She say crossing her arms and then looking at me. "Well one ouch and two I know you'll find that person the person who's perfect for you and you're perfect for them." I say smiling. "Seriously how are you single and how do you take it so well?" She asks. I look down and tell her
(Crush name) p.o.v
I look at him and I see his expression change as he looks down. Did I say something wrong? "I don't though. Everyday I lay in my bed just staring at the nothingness thinking what it's like to date someone, and when I do that I barely do a thing. Just hours on end doing this everyday. I don't deal with it, I just ignore it and hope it goes away..." He pauses looking at me "Like a bad rash." We finish in unison. "I really shouldn't be talking about my problems today is about you.". He says hugging me, and as he does I feel my cheeks heat up. Did I have feelings for (reader name)? No I couldn't I just got out of a relationship and he doesn't seem very interested. No I can't deny it, I love him. I love him more than I loved (best friend name). And I know he won't leave because he's a nice guy. He'll always be their for me, hell I should ask him now. "Hey (reader name) can I ask you something?"
I couldn't do it. The thought of being rejected took over so I just asked him some random bullshit. God damn I swear to god I hate myself for doing that. What's worse is that I live with him now. Later we got another bed and made it my bed. Yeah I moved in with him which makes it worse. All of a sudden I hear a knock on my door. I set my phone down and answer it. "Hey can I talk to you for a sec?" He asks a blush creeping into his face "yeah sure come in."  I say waving him into the room. Before I knew it I was enveloped in his arms.
"Um (reader name) are you okay?"  I ask "you'd never leave me would you?" He asks which surprised me. "No I will never leave."  I say reassuring him as if he awoke from a bad dream. "Meh I'll regret it later." I look at him in confusion. "Um w-" before I  could finish he smashes his (rough/soft/etc) lips against mine. It was amazing, the feeling of sparks flowing through us as we kissed. We broke apart and I was just in shock. "Now will I regret it?" He asks smirking. I just kiss him again as an answer and he pushes me into the bed. We laid there all day just making out, it was amazing he was really good at it. After a while we just laid in the bed cuddling and he speaks up "is that a no?" He asks smirking again. "Yep, mr I wear iron maiden and other rock band shirts from back in the day."  He laughs and we kiss again. "You know I actually predicted this happening." I say laying in his chest, "oh? Do tell." He says . "Well we've been bffs sense forever, and well sometimes those turn into bigger and better things. And back in the day I may or may not have had feelings for you." I say a blush creeping it's way to its designated area. "And with the current events that have happened this is where we are." He says. "Hey don't read my mind." I respond jokingly.
(Reader name) p.o.v
I did it. I actually did it! I'm finally dating her. I never thought i would. I'm so happy. "So movie marathon?" I ask. "Movie marathon" she responds pecking me on the lips.
We didn't even make it half way before it burst out into a make out session. We weren't even paying attention to the movie just kissing. It was nice to not be the third wheel for once.
-(crush name) p.o.v
"I'm glad no one took you from me. Maybe it's a good thing you haven't found a girl." I paused and leaned into his ear "until now." He smiles and pecks my lips. "So who's better?" He asks. I pretend to think to tease him and I just restart the session. Now rubbing against his chest. Hey stop being sexual that's my job." He says smirking. I laugh "when have you ever done something sexual?" I ask wiping a tear from my eye. He responds by grabbing my boob. I contort by grabbing his crotch. "Touché" he says. I feel him get hard. We had fun that night.
I lay there on his body. It was amazing, every second."no one will ever be worthy of feeling that type of pleasure." I say he smirks and closes his eyes "I guess a third wheel can move up." I say pecking him before drifting off into sleep.


Omg I'm finally done! But that ending just sweet pure perversion. I love it. Anyways thanks for reading if you did and I will see all you guys and gals in the next story

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 24, 2016 ⏰

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