The third wheel pt. 2

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-(reader name) p.o.v
I hear a knock on my door and I stumble over to it out of sleep deprivation. I open the door to see (crush name) out there in her sleep wear. "Oh my god aren't you freezing, get in here!" I say loudly dragging her in and forcing her into my home and onto my couch. I grab a blanket and put it over her causing her to blush . I sit next to her and begin "so (crush name)  what are you doing here? And why are you in your pajamas?" I say glancing at her clothes.
-(crush name) p.o.v
"me and (best friend name) had a huge fight." I begin tears starting to form. "He thought I cheated on him for you." I finished hugging him. "Hey it's okay, do you need anything, tea, food?" He asked getting up. I wiped my tears "Well I was wondering if could stay the night?" I ask yawning. "Of course yeah sure, I don't have a guest bed though, I'll sleep on the couch you can have the bed." He said quickly. I quickly respond " No I can't do that, I'll sleep on the couch and you can have the bed." I say a part of me hoping we'd share the bed. Wait what never mind. "No you're my guest here I can't have you sleep on the couch, no matter how comfy it is." He says and I smirk. "Well then I guess we'll share the bed huh?" I say erotically getting a big blush from him making me laugh. "Fine but this was your idea."
I wake up expecting to see (best friend name) laying there but instead I see (reader name) laying beside me. I jump and fall off the bed having him jump up as well. "Oh my god (crush name) are you okay?! Did I accidentally, well you know?" He says blushing madly. "No no, um we didn't, you know do it right?" I ask getting up. "Well from the fact our clothes are on, no I don't think we did." He says blush slightly creeping away. "Nice Iron Maiden shirt by the way dweeb." I point out. "Well I should go." I say grabbing my things. "You don't have to you know?" He says. "Yeah I know but I need to face (best friend name) and if not now I probably won't."
I walk up to my home and I see (rival name)'s car. (Rival name) was always a good friend of mine, but that still doesn't mean we aren't rivals. One of the biggest part of our rivalries was actually deciding on who should date who. We both wanted (best friend name). I won of course and I suggested she ask (reader name) out but she never did. I giggle at remembering the good times as I enter my home. When I do I hear some strange noises coming from the bedroom. I immediately enter stealth mode and sneak up to the door which was half open. I look in and I see (rival name) on top of (best friend name) completely naked. I stormed in "What the fuck (best friend name)!? First you accuse me of cheating on you and then you go an actually do it?! I thought we could hash this out as normal adults but then you go and do something like this! You know what? We are over! And you" I turn to (rival name) who is now covering her parts up with the blanket. "I thought we were friends. Do not ever talk to me again. I want you both out of my life!" I finish and storm off into my car and drove.
At first I didn't know where I was going to go, but then realized I was already heading somewhere. I was heading to (reader name)'s place. I get to my destination and I run out of the car and knock on the door. When he opened the door and I saw his beautiful (eye color) eyes I just glomped the life out of him. "Whoah you okay? haven't been hug attacked in ages." I begin to cry in his chest " oh god (reader name) it was awful (best friend name) cheated on me with (rival name) the bastard!" I sobbed not caring about his shirt. "Oh god that sucks do you need anything?" He asks guilt washing over him. "No just let me hug you." I say not caring how embarrassing I was acting. We just stayed there for hours, me just hugging him in the ground. He just stayed silent as I let it all out.
After a while I stopped and we got on the couch still hugging we just cuddled it out. But out of no where the door busted open. It was (best friend name) and he was drunker than an Irishmen on New Year's Eve. *no hate on Irish people it's just the first thing that came to mind. I'm Irish too so ye* "Whoah dude what the fuck." (Reader name) shouted letting go of me and getting up. "You get away from my women." He said slurred like crazy. "She's not yours anymore. You broke her heart enough times now leave before this gets worse." (Reader name) said so confidently. "Oh you won't do shit. You'll never have the balls to hurt me. Because I'm bigger and better than you'll ever be you twat!" He shouted trying to hit (reader name) but he instantly dodges. "(Best fiend name) listen to me. Don't do something you're going to regret. We're friends." He says trying to calm down the drunk ex. "We aren't friends. We were never friends, I just felt pity seeing you all alone. But I regret doing that because now your with my girl." (Best friend name" says still trying to hit (reader name). For minutes (best friend name) tried to hit (reader name) but the. All of a sudden!

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