Midnight kiss

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Melissa looked at Greyson for a while before she spoke, "It's been a while since I last saw you spending your time in that room. Why? Have you stopped making music?"

Greyson looked up from his phone and turned to Melissa. He got what Melissa was trying to say.

"I don't think I need to anymore." He returned his gaze to his phone back.

"I don't get it. What do you mean? You let it go just like that?"

Greyson sighed. "You don't understand."

"Then explain so that I understand."

Greyson closed his eyes for a minute to gather his thoughts together and opened them back to look at Melissa.

"I've been living in a world that I dreamed of since I was a kid. Writing, singing, practicing and performing had become part of me. Tight schedules, tours and concerts. I worked hard to achieve my dream, I waited for years to get the world to look at me but it only took a day...one day to lose everything."

Greyson looked down at his lap. "One day when I woke up, I lost it. It will never come back to me so what's the point of making music if I can't let people listen to it?? It's no use. I should've moved on from the first day."

"But it's your dream. You should try to live it up again. You still can play the piano. You can write good music. Wouldn't you feel empty leaving a thing that used to be part of you?"

"I do but I don't care. I have you now." Greyson smiled as he caressed Melissa's cheek but Melissa slapped his hand away.

"You've changed."

"I've changed because of you."

Melissa shook her head in disagreement. "No, I don't like the way you are now. I like the old you better. That Greyson who is determined and have passion in everything he does."

"Old me or new me, I can't make you love me when you don't."

That made Melissa quietened. She still didn't have the answer to Greyson's question about her feelings toward him. Honestly, she didn't want the topic to be brought up but it's not like she could control it.

Greyson noticed the silence so he tapped something on his phone screen and stretched his phone to Melissa. "Look."

Melissa looked down at the screen and saw a lot of mentions on Greyson's twitter account. There were from his fans.

"Most of them are waiting for me to come back. I disappeared after the label dropped me, without saying anything yet they are still there, waiting patiently. If I come back with the way I sound now, wouldn't they disappointed with me? After a long time of waiting, that's all they get. Isn't it unfair for them?"

Melissa looked at Greyson. "You're punishing yourself. It's not even your fault that thing like that happened."

"It's my fault because I couldn't care less about my own wellbeing. I took things for granted."

Greyson was surprised when Melissa took his hand in her soft ones. "I believe you've inspired a lot of people out there and I'm sure that they will be disappointed if they know you give up this easily."

   She continued again, "You once told me that you just sing without actually listening to how you sound. I want to see that passion again. You've achieved too far to just end it like this. I can't promise anything but I'll be there if you ever need me."

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