The shows

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   "Kuala Lumpur, you've been incredible tonight. Thank you so much. Hoping to see you all soon. I promise you I will return. Again, thank you for having me. Goodbye, KL!" Greyson bowed down before he made his way to the backstage. The crowds were crazy and wild. That night's show finally ended.

   Next show was in Manila. After the show in KL, Greyson and his crews headed straight to the airport to catch their flight. Greyson was exhausted, not even lying but he was excited at the same time.

   "Water?" Alex offered Greyson a bottle of mineral water.

   "Thanks." He accepted the mineral water and drank it. What a relief for his throat.

   "Not a problem. They're calling for boarding now, let's go."

On the plane, Greyson chose a seat next to the window. Alex sat in the same row as Greyson and was looking curiously at him whilst Greyson fastened his safety belt. Even though his seat was on the other side, Greyson could still hear Alex when he spoke.

   "You don't talk much tonight. I wonder why 🤔."

   Alex probably noticed that because usually after the show they would joke around with the crews no matter how tired everyone was, they would always had a smile on their faces.

   Greyson smiled. "Nothing actually. Just having sore throats. It hurts when I talk." Greyson took a gulp of the mineral water that Alex gave him before they boarded.

   "What? If it hurts when you talk then it sure hurts a lot when you sing." Alex now was facing Greyson.

   "No worries, I can handle it." Greyson let out a small laugh.

   Though Alex was his manager, Greyson treated him just like his own brother and Alex did the same to him. Now, Alex was being concerned like how a good brother he was.

   "I hope you don't lose your voice." Alex said, fixing his position.

   "No, at least not now. Just one more show and then we're done."

   "Yeah, yeah. Let's finish the last one."

   Greyson put his headphones on and closed his eyes, listening to the music while he slowly drifted off to a light slumber.

   After what felt like hours, Greyson opened his eyes because someone was lightly tapping on his arm. It was Alex.

   "We have landed".

   Greyson stretched his body after unbuckling the seatbelt.

   "You okay?" Alex asked, concerned.

   "Yeah". Greyson got up from his seat. "Let's go."

   The next day, Greyson went to some interviews and photoshoots following the schedule before performing his final show at night. He was at the backstage when he heard the fans chanting his name.


   Greyson loved how energetic and determined the fans were despite standing for so long. He knew some of them had been waiting since the morning just to get in line and that was the thing that made him want to do the best because they deserved it.

   Greyson ran to the stage to make his appearance and that was when the crowd started screaming crazily. From the stage, he could see how they were sweating hard and looking dehydrated but still their excitement were showing on their faces.

"Mabuhay, MANILAAA!" His greeting was answered by louder screaming from the crowd. That was sick, in a good way of course.

   When the show ended, Greyson disappeared from the stage, meeting with the crews backstage. This time he was back to his usual self because he was excited to fly to his hometown to get some rest before starting another shows in the US.

   Taiwan, Korea, Thailand, Indonesia, Singapore, Malaysia and Philippines, Greyson looked forward to coming back anytime soon but for now, Asia shows were done. It was amazing how supportive the fans were. Greyson was so thankful and blessed to have them.

   Flight to the USA took about 13 hours till they finally landed. Greyson was suffering from jet lag and if there was anything he wanted to do that was to get some pretty rest.

   His parents were already there waiting for him at the airport. Seeing their smiling faces made him forget about his pain for a while.

   "Hello, honey. Welcome back. I missed you so much." Lisa pulled Greyson in a tight embrace once she saw her son.

"Thanks, mom. I've missed you too." They hugged for a while until Scott finally spoke.

"Looks like nobody missed me." Scott pouted playfully. Greyson and Lisa pulled away and laughed at the act.

Greyson threw himself at his father for a bear hug. "Of course I missed you too, dad. I missed everyone here." He smiled before breaking the hug.

"Welcome back, son. Now let's go home, shall we? You look exhausted." Scott pointed at his son.

"Yeah, jet lag. I miss my bed!" Lisa chuckled hearing that. After that they headed home.

   Greyson checked the time once they arrived home. 3:37PM. He was extremely exhausted to do anything so he told his mother that he would just rest in his room.

   "Alright, I will call you for dinner. Rest well." Lisa softly patted Greyson's back.

   When Greyson opened his bedroom door, the first thing that his eyes landed on was his bed. Greyson threw himself on the bed feeling the comfiness of the soft mattress without realising that his lips were forming a smile. He couldn't describe how good the feeling was and just wanted to stay like that for a while.

Greyson was lying on his back and staring at the ceiling whilst thinking about the next shows that he was going to perform. There would be in San Diego and Wichita Falls. Wichita Falls... the city where he was born in. He couldn't recall the last time he went there. Ah, he had just come back from Asia but he was already excited for the next show. Just thinking about the fans made his enthusiasm rise up forgetting all the tiredness he was feeling.

San Diego and Wichita Falls, I am coming to you. But for now, let me sleep because jet lag sucks.


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