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I hope you guys enjoy chapter one!!! Give meh feedback


"Oh my cheese and sprinkles!! It's so beautiful here!!" I said in amazement as I observed the area with excitement.

(The picture of the resort is up above :p)

"See!? And you thought someone was gonna kidnap us and make us their slaves." Sumi said smiling.

"We are too good looking Sumi!!! Anybody would want to put their hands up our shirts!!" I cried out.

Sumi chuckled. "Whatever you say tiger. Let's just go check into our room before you think of anything wild."

"Too late! Where are the beach hunks at!?" I yelled at the top of my lungs, gaining weird stares from people around us.

Sumi just flushed red in embarrassment at all the attention. "You're crazy, ya know that?" She said as she grabbed my wrist and dragged me to the hotel before I could anything else.

-Le timeskip to the room of magic-

"Hey Y/N! Are you ready to go?" Sumi calls out from outside the door.

"Yup!" I said smiling as I walked out of the bathroom in a F/C (favorite color) mid-thigh dress and white high tops.

"Awww don't you look like a little cutie pie?" Sumi said as she stood there in a yellow undress and sunglasses.

It was early nightfall and we decided to go to the boardwalk since it was the only thing we had in mind.

As we walked out and into the hallway, I saw a blonde boy on the floor, as if he just fell.

Being the nice person that I am, I rushed over to him and kneeled beside him. "Hey are you okay!?" I asked with concern as I placed my hand on his back and helped him up.

"Thank you! I was just a little distracted and tripped over my own feet." He said with a nervous laugh.

I looked up at him and was able to see that he had pretty purple eyes and he looked like he was around my age.

"Im just glad you're alright! Im Y/N by the way!" I said smiling at him.

"Im Yoosung, its nice to meet you!" He said smiling innocently.
He was so cute!! *-*

"Are you heading anywhere? Me and my friend over there were just about to head to the boardwalk." I said nodding my head over to Sumi. Who was waiting a little impatiently.

"Really?! I'm heading there as well! My friends are waiting for me there."

"Do you think me and my friend could join you guys? It'll be fun!" I said with a sparkle in my eyes.

"What." Sumi said with a little poker face.

Yoosung ignored her comment. "We wouldn't mind! The more the better." He said smiling.

"Awesome! Oh, right!" I grab Sumi and place her in front of Yoosung. "This is my friend Sumi."

Yoosung blushed a little. "Hello."

"Yo." Was all Sumi said.

"Now lets all go to the boardwalk!" I said as I fist-pumped into the air.

-Another le time skip but this time to the boardwalk of happiness and rainbows :p-

"My friends should be around here somewhere.." Yoosung mumbled as he scanned around the boardwalk.

The boardwalk was filled with colorful booths and rides. And it was filled with a lot of people..

"What do your friends look like?" Sumi asked as she scanned the crowds as well.

"Hmmmm, well they all look pretty hot.." Yoosung said bluntly.

"Be a little more specific.." Sumi said as she looked at Yoosung weirdly.

"Wait! I think I found them! C'mon!" Yoosung said as he led us through the crowd and to a small group of people who were at the sightseeing area.

"Hey guys!" Yoosung happily waved at them as he walked over to them.

"You took forever! We were getting worried." A guy with white hair and red eyes said as he sternly looked at Yoosung.

That guy.....he looks like....

I gasped loudly, gaining the groups attention and I pointed at the guy. "You're a hot albino human!!!!! An albino rat!!" I shouted at him.

Sumi facepalmed of course.

Yoosung and a red haired guy with glasses laughed really hard.

The white haired guy just gave me this look: ಠ╭╮ಠ

Seven's POV

I clutched my stomach as I calmed myself down, even wiping away a few tears.

This will be a moment I will never forget!!

"Who are these two ladies Yoosung?" Jaehee asked.

"Oh! I just met them at the hotel! I thought it'd be nice if they'd join us on the boardwalk!" Yoosung said after he calmed down.

"Hi! My names Y/N! And this is my friend Sumi!" The short girl with H/C (hair color) hair said as she smiled at us.

She's so cute. O///////O

Hiya guys!!!
I hope this chapter was pleasing!!
Until next chapter, stay beautiful my bunnies!!!! ^-^

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