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Seven led me through the crowds and in the direction of the ferris wheel.

I could see the huge ferris wheel drawing near as we can basically ran there.

But right before we were able to get a place in line, I saw something that caught my eye.

I slipped out of Sevens grasp. "Seven wait!"

Seven turned to look at me with concern. "What is it?"

"Cotton candy!!" I squealed as there was a cotton candy cart right beside the line to the ferris wheel.

"Seriously!? Where!?" Seven asked with excitement as his eyes sparkled like an innocent childs.

"Over there!! They have strawberry!"

We both dashed to the cart with glee and bought two huge strawberry cotton candies.

Afterwards we both waited in line with our cotton candies with child-like grins on our faces.

It wasn't until someone behind me kept wolf whistling at me that my smile turned into a small frown.

I'm guessing Seven noticed the situation and wrapped his hand around my waist, pulling me closer to him.

I knew I must've been as red as a hot pepper. I just slowly finished eating my cotton candy and tried to avoid eye contact.

The awkward silence between Seven and I was cut off by a worker saying we were next in line for the ferris wheel.

"Phew! Finally! That took forever!" Seven sighed in relief as he detached himself from my side and took his seat on the cart.

I realized that it was a two seater cart.

So many things could happen.

I blushed at my "extreme" imaginations and took my seat next to Seven.

Once we were buckled in, the ride started up and we began to rise really quickly in the air.

I looked down and realized how high up we were. WE WERE PRETTY HIGH UP IN THE AIR.

I squeaked a little and covered my eyes.

Seven chuckled. "Don't tell me you're afraid of heights?"

"Maybe a little!" I squeaked out.

"Aww don't worry, mommy's here." Seven cooed as he cradled me in his arms a little. "And look, you don't have to look at the ground, you can just look up at the sky. The firework show should be starting."

I jerked my head up and looked around the clear night sky. "Wait really?"


Sumi's POV

Yoosung and I kept trying to explain what a churro was to Jumin, as he wouldn't eat it without knowing the ingredients in it.

"Hey Sumi."

"Hm? What is it Jumin?" I asked as he suddenly cut me off from why he should eat the churro.

"Isn't that Y/N and Seven up there?" He asked as he pointed up to the ferris wheel, where you can see a girl in a bright F/C dress and a bright red headed boy cuddled up together.

"Oh it is!" Yoosung said as he looked up at them.

I quickly took out my phone and took as close of a picture as I could of them two.

"My new favorite ship!" I fangirled as I bounced around.

"Those two do seem to be compatible with each other." Jumin said as he observed Y/N and Seven.

"Jumin no more excuses! Eat the churro!" Yoosung exclaimed.

"Not until I find out what's in it." Jumin replied with a stubborn expression.

I chuckled at those two.

[You're My Little Kitten~] 707 X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now