Book1: The Lethal Princess/ The cosmic princess

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Author:  @tlwsweety2

Genre: Fantasy/Romance/humor

How I found this book? it's a kinda weird story...

Me and a close friend decided to annoy the people on Omegle, lol... And she happened to put Wattpad as a common interest.

She started chatting with some girl and both recommended a book to the other. It just happened that the book that was recommended to my friend:"The lethal princess"

At first, I wasn't interested in reading it when my friend mentioned it. But, she came back, after a week, hyperventilating while telling me about it... I decided to give it a chance, after all, she was my Wattpad buddy and her taste matched mine.

I wasn't prepared when I read the first chapter. I truly wasn't.

Avril's personality threw me off guard. She was an awesome mix of a lot of things. She wasn't a simple one dimension fictional character. She was dynamic and felt so real.

The same can be said for the other characters. Each has his or her own qualities and flaws, but together they felt whole. And you can't simply love one character more than the other.

( However, Avril is a little special for me because she always translates my feelings into words and makes me sometimes see things from another perspective.) 

This book will absorb you into its world. You will feel like an invisible character there that no one notices. You will laugh, cry, yell in frustration, be angry with a character and then feel compassion for him or her.

It may sometime feel, also, like the characters are sharing their experiences with you and teaching you how to think and act in certain situations. I don't know if the author meant it to happen or not but that's how it is. The characters go through many, many situations that are real enough to see it happen on earth and not on Terra. You see relationships, trust, patience, and ambition at stake and you also see a character going through the fight while laying down the logic behind each step that is taken.

After years of reading the first chapter and the Sponge Bob song that Avril made is still stuck in my head, no matter the hate that I share with Ike for this cartoon.

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