The Party

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You couldn't believe the change in Yoosung's personality. He went from a blushing boy in an adult's body to a strong willed man. He put his hand to the back of his neck and blushed. "I don't know what got into me..." His voice trailed off. "I'm s-so sorry. I-I swear I'm not normally like this. H-how can I make it up to you?" Yup, this was definitely the same Yoosung you knew before.
"You don't have to do anything. It's great to meet you, and everyone else." You smiled warmly. You directed it to Yoosung mainly, but looked at all the other RFA members. Zen and Seven were still obviously surprised at Yoosung's change in demeanor. Jumin had a slight smile and Jaehee was just weaving through the guests and came up to the group of you, curious at everyone's expression. Seven, Zen, Yoosung and you all couldn't help but laugh at how she missed Yoosung's bold move.
"Yoosung will go back to hospital after the party." Jaehee obviously didn't want to know why everyone was laughing. She went back to business. Jumin nodded. "Thank you, Assistant Kang."
Music started and you turned to see the blonde haired boy smiling at you, his uncovered violet eye smiling as much as he was. The two of you left the group as he held your hand and pulled you to dance.
"Just so you know, I can't dance." He smiled, trying to lead.
"I can't either." You noticed how well he was leading the dance. The upbeat song caused many people to dance along. Your eyes locked as the song started to end. A slow song started, and you were pulled closer to him. You always thought that dancing in public, especially in front of people you know. Even though you thought that, even though you just met face to face for the first time, it felt perfect.
The night seemed to slip through your fingers. The last guests had left and Yoosung and you went back to help clean up. V walked up, smiling.
"It seemed like it all went well." His foreign voice added to his mysterious aura.
"It did, very well." Jumin cast a quick glance to you, his eyes sending his message; 'thank you for helping get these guests.'
"It was great to meet you all, we need to meet again after the party ends fully." You smiled, feeling Yoosung's shoulder hit yours. You looked up to see his face, looking at the other RFA members, not noticing -or not minding- that he bumped into you. You didn't mind either.
You all chatted before Jumin checked the time. "We should start to clean up." He gestured with a gloved hand at the mess of the floor. The group nodded and split up: Zen and Jaehee cleaning up the trash that littered the beautiful flooring. Jumin and V took to chatting as Jumin helped the silver haired man and Jaehee clean.
Seven soon joined them, leaving Yoosung and you to take care of cleaning up the food. You saw some leftover cookies and grabbed one, eating with one hand and cleaning with the other. Yoosung laughed. "You should've told me you were hungry, if I didn't have to go back to hospital I would cook you something." He opened his mouth to say more, but you silenced him by pushing a cookie into his mouth. His expression changed to surprise to lighting up. "These erre good." He mumbled as he took a bite. You both finished your cookies and got back to cleaning up the food, taking care to keep the cookies for later.
Having less to do than the rest of them, and having so much to say, you turned to see Yoosung.
"This was so fun~" Your voice dragged on the 'n'.
"Yeah, it was great, no, amazing to meet you." Yoosung turned to you. "I'm sorry for saying I was okay back there." His voice was filled with apology.
"I'm just happy you are getting treatment. And that you're alive and here next to me."
You smiled back at him, remembering a previous conversation with the blonde.
"Does your movie offer still stand after you get released from hospital?"
"Of course. I may not be able to go to a theater though. I always have trouble sleeping at hospitals, and I would hate to ruin anything by falling asleep in public." He gave an honest smile.
"We could always watch it at one of our places..." You wished you had some way to pick a better answer, realizing what you had said. Yoosung couldn't go to your place, as you had plans to move into Rika's apartment. Yoosung carefully grabbed your hand. "Of course you can come over to my place and we can watch the movie. As you are my pre-girlfriend." He looked you in the eyes kindly.
"Forget the pre." You corrected, leaning in and kissing Yoosung's cheek. He looked at you, his purple eye lit up. Yoosung opened and closed his mouth like a fish, causing you to giggle,
"What's so funny?" Yoosung asked, just managing to make you laugh more. "Y/N? Heeelllloooo?" He grinned. You responded by playfully pushing his shoulder.
"We should get him back to hospital." Yoosung jumped as Jumin's voice came from behind you both.
"Oh, right. Today went by so fast. It feels like a dream." You smiled, eyes drifting to your boyfriend.
"I'm glad to hear that, Y/N." V called came up to you. You stood up quickly.
"V! Thank you for everything. The party was gr-" You were happy to see him, but didn't want to be too excitable.
"It couldn't of, and wouldn't of been done without your help." V cut you off.
"No, it wasn't really that much of a problem. Without you, I wouldn't of met so many wonderful people." You smiled at the RFA members, but you both knew who it was directed at.
"I still think you did an amazing job organizing the party." V smiled. "No-one would of showed up if it wasn't for you. Plus you are the reason we had the party in the first place" You couldn't help but blush. Not able to stand having V inflate your ego for any longer, you not-so-subtly changed the subject.
"It's getting late, we should have Yoosung go back to hospital like Jumin said." You cast a quick glance at Yoosung's bandaged eye and looked back at V, who nodded.
A loud crash got the group's attention. Seven was on the floor, a broken plate next to him. You quickly ran over to help him up.
"What happened?" You asked, your voice filled with concern. Seven's eyes were wide, not of fear or surprise but of glee.
"I saw a cat outside, started to run to it and tripped." You couldn't help but imagine it all happen. The red haired boy holding a plate, looking to see a cat and bolting away, just to hurt himself. Jumin opened his mouth, and Yoosung quickly stopped him from telling Jaehee to do any unneeded work.
"I'll get the broom." He smiled and looked at your direction. Jaehee was obviously releaved. Yoosung walked over to where Seven and you stood, sweeping up the glass into the dustpan before dumping it away.
"I'll drive Yoosung and Y/N to the hospital." Seven offered. Knowing about his cars, you didn't even try to fight it. Yoosung nodded and looked to you.
"Y/N, do you mind going to the hospital with me?"
"Not at all." You turned from Yoosung to the other RFA members. "It was great to meet y'all. I hope we get to meet up again soon." You smiled at them.
"Good luck. I'll talk to you later." Zen smiled and waved.
"Good bye." Jumin replied.
"Bye." Jaehee waved.

Yoosung and you followed Seven to the parking lot.
I'm working on part two right now. Not sure when it will be good enough to publish, but as soon as it is I will post it! Hope you enjoyed part one~

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