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When you saw Seven's car, you couldn't believe what you saw. The white sports car sat in the parking lot.
"This is your car?" You asked, surprised the childish, cross-dressing hacker owned such a nice car. Even though you had seen pictures of his cars before, it was still amazing to see one in real life. He simply nodded, smiling at his so called 'babe'. He pressed the button on the keys he produced from his pocket, the doors slid up.
    Yoosung and you went to the car, sitting next to each other in the back. You both ended up giggling and talking like two elementry girls talking to their best friends. Yoosung had managed to grab your phone and turned up the volume, clicking onto the first song you had saved. F/S was blaring as you tried to get your phone back from him. As the car pulled into the hospital parking lot, Yoosung let you have the phone. You quickly stopped the song and followed him out of the car.
    The staff were quick to bring Yoosung to his room. You followed like a lost puppy. After getting to his room, you sat on the chair as he sat on the bed. You decided it would be best to strike up a conversation.
"How long will you be here?" You started.
"Not sure, week maybe?" Yoosung shrugged, even just the small movement was adorable in love's eyes.
"Do you mind if I ask what happened to your eye?" You knew the question was a risky one, but the look he gave you showed you that he trusted you. He seemed to think back, trying to figure out how to explain Unknown's attack.
"Well, Seven told me to wait outside as he talked to Unknown, and he had somehow managed to get a hold on me and said he wanted to ruin my dream of becoming a vet." A fire burned in his eye as he took in a deep breath. You opened your mouth to say he didn't have to continue, but he continued before you could.
"He first was going to get rid of my fingers, but then decided to take my sight. He scratched up my eye badly, and was going to ruin it even more if Seven wouldn't of gotten there in time." His voice had admiration for Luceil that was alien to you. You stood and walked to where he was, sat up in bed. You wrapped your arms around him. "Thank you for keeping me safe." You sat next to him, taking his hand in yours. He looked up to you and smiled.
"Do you mind?" He asked. You knew what he meant and instead of replying, closed the distance. Your kiss surprised Yoosung at first. As you pulled away he smiled, causing you to giggle.

"Should I let you sleep?" You asked.
"If you want to go..." He started, pouting to show how me felt about you leaving.
"I can stay as long as you want me too." You hugged his arm.
"We could talk more if you want." He smiled weakly at you.
"Then lets. What have you been doing before the party?" You asked.
"Before you joined, playing lolol." He laughed, embarrassed to admit hid addiction. "After, studying. Oh, shi-" Even just the start of the swear was extremely foreign to you. It made you giggle to hear it.
"Want me to grab your books? Or anything else?" You offered. Even if you didn't know Yoosung for long back when he was addicted to lolol, thinking about him studying while at the hospital made you feel bad for him. How could a straight A+ student go to a failing game addict, and go back to working hard? You weren't complaining, though.
"I can get Seven to do it." Yoosung smiled.
"Lisa." The name quickly changed Yoosung's mind.
"Could you go and grab them?" The change in thought made you laugh as you nodded. He grabbed his phone and went to maps. He selected where he lived and clicked 'send location.' You heard a notification on your phone.
"I'll be back soon. Funny thing is, I can walk to your place from Rika's apartment." You smiled, getting to your feet. You waved to him as you slipped out of his hospital room.

You walked through the maze of halls looking for the exit. Finally you saw it and its glass doors opened for you. You walked down the ramp and started walking to his house. Enjoying the sun on your shoulders. You then remembered you were in a dress. You took a detour to Rika's apartment. The birds sang like your heart. His kiss could still be felt on your lips. You wished you would be able to feel it forever. You started humming a song that reminded you of your boyfriend.

'And there you stand opened heart-open doors
Full of life with the world that's wanting more.
But I can see when the lights start to fade,
the day is done and your smile has gone away.'
You didn't realize you had gone from humming to whispering the words. You opened the door to the apartment and quickly changed into a f/c short sleeve tee and shorts. You left the apartment quickly and started at a jog to Yoosung's house. A F/C backpack around your arms and on your back, bouncing as you jogged. As you got to his house you heard a notification. Checking your phone you saw Yoosung texted you. "Keys under the rock by the door." You shifted the rock to see the sun hit a metal key. You texted back. "Thanks, just got there."

You moved the rock back and unlocked the door. You expected a messy house, but it was surprisingly clean. You quickly found his room and saw a pile of text books on his unmade bed. Almost tripping on a controller, you took a picture and sent it to him. "These?" He responded quickly. "Yup! They may be heavy." He texted back. You slid the backpack off and unzipped it, carefully putting each book inside. You saw a phone charger and threw it in too before slipping the heavy bag back on. You walked back out, taking care to watch for controllers. Making sure to lock the door and rehide the key, you started back. Continuing to whisper the song; May I.

'May I hold you as you fall to sleep,
When the world is closing in
And you can't breath here.
May I love you, may I be your shield,
When no one can be found, may I lay you down.'

You arrived back to the hospital, and said you were visiting. You were lead to Yoosung's room. During the walk, you said you might visit regularly. The nurse smiled. "I'll make sure to say something about that." Her smile was warm.

She opened the door to Yoosung's room and you entered.
"I think I got everything." You swung the bag back on the bed, careful to not have it hand on his feet. You sat down and pulled out the charger, dangling it before him.
"Thanks so much. I still don't get why you walked." He grabbed the charger from you and put it on the tray next to him. You piled the books next to the chair for visitors and sat back next to him.
"Don't strain yourself. I can probably get a certain robot to call Sky University to excuse you." Yoosung grinned at your small crack at Jaehee.

You talked about yourself, Yoosung seemed fascinated with every small detail. You chatted until the sky darkened, you learned the room had a perfect view of the sunset. The reds and oranges and pinks were beautiful. For what must of been the first time since you returned after getting the text books, Yoosung and you went silent as you watched the sun fall.

The nurse walked in to talk to Yoosung. You stood and moved to the chair, watching as she lifted his bandages and shined a flashlight in his eye. A feeling of relief washed over the room as his left eye reacted to the light. After a few more tests, she smiled and left.

"So, are you dying?" You asked jokingly.
"Nope. My sight is deteriorating and I will most likely go blind, but it's okay! There is a treatment I can get, and a surgery. I'll spend the night here and if I do well I can leave at noon." His cheery voice made you smile.
"I'll be by your side the entire time." You held his hand as you sat next to him again.
"As soon as I'm out, lets see a movie. I can't go to a public theater, so I hope you don't mind renting something." Yoosung smiled.
"I can't wait to see the movie with you. No matter where, I'm still by you." You squeezed his hand as if you were giving his hand a hug with yours.

You finally decided it was time to let Yoosung rest. As you watched him struggle to keep his eyes open, you started to hum the tune of May I.
"May I hold you,
As you fall to sleep,
When the world is closing in
And you can't breath here." You jumped at the sudden sweet singing from behind you. You turned to see Yoosung smiling at you.
"May I love you,
May I be your shield." He added. You walked back and leaned in, letting him close the gap as you kissed him goodbye.

If you couldn't tell, I love the song 'May I' by Trading Yesterday. I encourage anyone looking for great love songs to check them out.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 08, 2016 ⏰

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