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My name is Dawn. I am 23 years old and the newest WWE Diva! So far, I've made a lot of friends but

my closest are AJ Lee, Kelly Kelly and Alicia Fox. Superstar-wise, pretty much all the guys have

been nice to me, especially John Cena. He's really sweet but he's married so I think I'll keep my

hands to myself when it comes to him. Zack Ryder is super funny and he's currently dating Eve

Torres. (I'm also officially a broskette.) Sheamus is like my older brother. He's strong and tough and

very protective... Dolph Ziggler likes picking on me and teasing me but I'm pretty sure that he does it

out of affection. Cody Rhodes does it too. Kofi Kingston and Evan Bourne are real gentlemen and

always greet me with a smile. CM Punk is tolerant of me and respects my goals and intentions.

Jack Thwagger thinks I have a crush on him, which I don't, and keeps acting like I'm so in love with

him and dying to be with him in which he then goes on to say things like "I'm sorry Dawn, but I'm

already taken" and shit like that... And Alberto Del Rio calls me "Una pequena chica." (Small girl in

Spanish. Which is stupid. Because I'm slightly above 5' 7." This is precisely why I don't like him... -_-

The one person who really seems to hate my guts is Randy Orton. He's kind of hard to deal with

because he can be such a serious guy. I once had a party and I invited him but all he said was, "I have more important things to do than hang out with a 13-year-old girl and her teenage loser friends." 

At that point, I realized that he did hate me, because I am NOT 13 (and he knows that quite well),

and a simple "sorry, I can't make it" would have been a much more respectful response. Compared  to Randy, Dolph and Cody were ANGELS.  

Oh and did I mention Drew McIntyre?  


Well, he's pretty special so I'll mention him later... :) 


It was Sunday morning and I woke up next to my favorite stuffed animal, Uniqua the Unicorn.  

Yes, I still sleep with stuffed animals and no, that does not make me a baby. Well, according to

Dolph Ziggler it does, but then again usually crap comes out of his mouth anyway... 

My alarm clock said 9:21 a.m. so I was just about to close my eyes when my iPhone started ringing.  

"ARRGHH!" I screamed at it. 

Unfortunately, my assertiveness did not seize the Nicki Manaj ringtone. So I rolled over, fell on the

floor, and crawled over to my purse. By the time I got there, Nicki had stopped rapping and I missed

the call. I checked back to see who it was. 

"Dolph Z.," read the Caller ID.

"Well. Glad I missed that call," I said to myself, standing up and heading for the bathroom.

Falling for DrewHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin