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Killers P.O.V.

Mozart filled the car. What a beautiful day, what beautiful music, what beautiful destruction.

On occasion you could hear pounding in the back. It was blonde with blue eyes and weak, I wouldn't honor it with a title of she or woman. Someone who couldn't fight to live didn't deserve to live. I turned up the radio, loud enough to cover up the noise.

I smiled and hummed to the music, rain poured down on the windshield. In a hour or so, I spotted my new playhouse. It was an old abandoned toy factory, a big rust bucket now.

This is so much fun, we'll play lots of games tonight.

I turned off the ignition, walked to the back, slowly taking in my new play house. I opened the trunk and it started to panic.

"Pp-please dont hurt me. Please!"
"We're just going to play a game, that's all" I said with a convincing smile. I grabbed it by the waist hoisting it over my shoulder.
It kicked and screamed "Let me go!"

Its kicks didn't really hurt but the screaming was annoying. I flung it off my shoulder, when we made it inside the center of the factory,  knocking the air out of it.

That shut it up.

I went back to the car to grab my toys.
When I got back she was gone. I circled  around the room
"Are we playing hide and seek now?" I said in a playful voice "Thats my favorite game."

The Game Of His Inner DemonsWhere stories live. Discover now