Chapter 2: Nov. 9

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The sun ray touched the corner of my bedroom wall, I was woken up by the sound of my alarm. 5 more minutes. I grabbed my phone and checked the time. Shit. My alarm has been going off for 10 minutes. My crappy alarm did it again, I needed to get an orchestra band to help me wake up at the right time.

I jumped out off bed and hurried into the shower. I've only got 30 minutes, or I'll be late. I realized I ran out of shampoo, all the shampoo bottles were empty. Damn it. I'll just have to shower when I get back home. I got out of the bathroom and dressed into my working clothes.

phew! There's only a few people here today. I grabbed my apron on the side of the counter and placed my bag inside the staff room. There were atleast 8 people in the café, all happily eating and chatting. I placed my arm on the counter, placing my palm underneath my chin, I continued watching the peaceful view that I could only enjoy on weekdays. Good thing weekdays are 5 times a week.

I suddenly heard the door open, with the clinging noise on the top of the door. I faced towards the person entering into the cafe, and it was the guy from yesterday. Shit. Why is that ignorant man here again! He suddenly met eyes with me and rolled his eyes as he turned away to find an empty table.

"Jin Ju- ya! Can you please go serve that young man at that table." Hye Chen spoke while she was pouring coffee beans into a coffee maker.

"Neh!" I slightly shouted. Ugh. He should go serve himself. I grabbed the notepad and pencil from the counter, and walked towards that ignorant mans table.

"..You?" He gave me a disgusted look. I'm about to punch this guy in the mouth right now.

"What do you want? You want the queen to be serving you right now? um, I'm sorry but I think you should be the one to serve the queen." I mocked him.

"I don't think your manager would be happy if I tell him that you're being rude to one of his customers." He smirked.

"Well you started it. Just give me your damn order." I demanded

"coff-- actually no. I'll just get a mocha toast. You'll probably end up spilling the coffee on me again." He chuckled.

Ugh. This man. I was too done trying to argue with him. I just rolled my eyes and walked away.


09/11/16 6:57 p.m.

Dear diary,

I've noticed that most of my diary entries are about work, and I honestly don't like that idea. But since this is my diary, I feel like I've got to talk about what happened at work today. So, remember that guy I spilled coffee on yesterday? Well, he was back again today. I thought he would be long gone after that whole incident, he probably just wants to get even with me. I hope he can just get lost in the deserts so that he wouldn't have to show up again and ruin my day. Anyway, I got to cook myself some ramen after this exhausting day.

Jin Ju

📖 📖 📖 📖 📖 📖 📖 📖 📖 📖 📖 📖

I headed to my room and placed my diary underneath my bed, the only place I knew where my diary would be safe. Because honestly people are just too scared of the monsters underneath their beds, including me. My stomach started grumbling, and so I scurried off to the kitchen and grabbed a cup of instant ramen for me to eat. Sad thing about living alone, everything is just instant, well atleast some things are.

  This is the author :) So, this chapter had a bit more of the first persons narrative than the first one. And I think I like it better that way, just so you know what's going on in Jin Ju's point of view. Comment below on your thoughts. And feel free to comment any errors or mistakes, it'll help a lot. Thank you~

-Jan <3

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