Chapter Three - Soldiers Fall & Martial Law Rises

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"Boss! He's fucking walking!" A young member of the gang yells.

"What the fu-" Joey stops as he turns around to see Detective Inspector Clark getting up from the table he died on. His eyes a deep, blood red and his skin a light grey. The bite wound on his shoulder a black and purple colour. He begins to move towards the young gang member who quickly runs and cowers behind his boss. The sound of gunshots can be heard outside but the entire gang is too occupied on the shambling undead body in front of them.

The gym door bursts open with Nicolas leading Colt first. He fires off a round hitting the zombie in the shoulder. He goes to take another shot but it makes a simple click sound.

"It's fucking jammed!" He grunts as he runs towards the dead DI and begins striking the zombie in the head with his pistol. After hearing the skull crunch, Nicolas is satisfied and releases his grip. Allowing the zombie to drop to the floor.

Nicolas turns around to look at his father. Blood splattered over his grey sweatshirt and face, "You gotta get 'em in the head dad," he states.

Nicolas and his dad embrace each other, "How's the shoulder son?" he asks.

"It's healed," Nicolas replies bluntly, the hug breaking apart, "How long ago did he die?"

"He got bitten last night, about nine hours ago," Red interupts.

"So once bitten we got less than twelve hours before we turn? Fuck!" Brody shouts, wiping his face with both hands. The rest of the men looking around confused. Whispers turning into a loud chatter.

"Einstein over there thinks these rabid mother fuckers are zombies," Sean laughs.

"Sean! Shut the fuck up for a minute," Nicolas orders, pacing back and forth in deep thought. The eyes of the gang burning into him.

As soon as Nicolas finishes his sentence, there is the sound of more gunshots and the rev of an engine outside. Joey and his son run up the stairs followed by Nicolas' cousins. They get to the window facing the street and stare down at the sight below them.

Filling the street are two military MAN SV trucks as well as a blue land rover and two police cars. The soldiers and police officers exit their vehicles, weapons at the ready.

"Joey Lynch! This is Captain Peter Jones of the British Army, we know you are armed with illegal weapons and we need you to hand them over. Comply and nothing further will be said or done on the matter. Resist and we will take them by force and all of your men involved will be prosecuted!" Captain Jones orders, "You have two minutes to decide,"

"Sean, Brody. Ring everyone. Get them to the warehouse, get all the weapons and bring them here," Joey states. Sean and Brody nod and immediately begin dialling.

"Dad, we can't be handing these fuckers our weapons. Especially not whilst this shite is going on," Nicolas argues.

"We aren't son, we are going to buy time for the guys to get the weapons so we can get these fuckers outta here," his dad explains. With that, Joey removes his Glock from inside his jacket pocket, cocking it and signalling to the rest of his men to do the same.

The Lynch Family has around a hundred members. Roughly eighty of them living in Manchester, but only twenty of them in the gym when the soldiers and police turn up.

"Red, get that shutter open," Joey orders. Red strides over to the panel on the wall which controls the large metal shutter, mainly used for deliveries to the gym.

As the shutter opens, the soldiers outside cock their rifles and aim them at the gang whilst they stand their ground with their pistols by their sides.

"Good choice Joey. Put the weapons in the box and this will all be over," Captain Jones snarls.

One by one, lead by Joey, the men put their handguns in a metal crate located in front of the Captain. Nicolas doesn't budge. Colt by his side, his knuckles turning white. A cold stare in his blue eyes, glaring directly at Captain Jones.

"Ah, Lance Corporal Lynch," Captain Jones smirks, "How was prison? Was it worth throwing your career down the drain for these lowlifes, scumbags and a kilo of cocaine?"

"Let's not forget the fact I shagged that slag you call your wife," Nicolas returns, the smile dropping from Captain Jones' face.

"Put. The gun. In the box," Captain Jones' sneers through clenched teeth.

Nicolas lumbers over towards Jones and the metal crate. Looking at the box, then the Captain and then the box again. He lurches forward and in one fluid motion, grips the Captain by the throat and pulling him over the crate. The soldiers aim their weapons directly at Nicolas but he already has his arm wrapped strongly around Jones' throat and the cold barrel of his Colt pressed tightly against his temple.

Captain Jones starts laughing again, "Relax men, lower the rifles,"

"I'd do what he says!" a man yells from down the street. The soldiers look around in shock, realising they are surrounded on both sides of the road by heavily armed members of The Lynch Family.

"I think you boys should put YOUR weapons in the box," Nicolas orders. The men admit defeat and place their weapons in the metal crate. Nicolas then throws Captain Jones to the ground as Sean and Brody remove the crate and take it inside.

Joey steps forward to say something but is interrupted by the sound of three loud gunshots from Nicolas' Colt. Three of Captain Jones' men drop as the rounds enter and exit their defenceless bodies.

Jones' eyes widen. Staring at his three men who just crumbled to the ground before turning his stare to Nicolas. Hatred in his eyes. Nicolas returning his gaze.

"I suggest you get the fuck out of here. Captain," he mocks as he swaggers away. The rest of the family following him inside. The shutter hitting the ground, sealing the gym, as the soldiers speed away.

"Nicky, Sean, Brody. See me in the office," Joey proclaims. The three men following Joey into the office.

Joey sits down on his old leather chair, groaning on his way down, "You did really well boys. Nicky, that was brutal. You know it is probably going to bite us in the ass?"

"I know dad. When it does I will deal with it," Nicolas replies.

"Okay, I trust you son. Anyway, we need to find out what is going on out there," Joey announces, switching the TV on and turning it to the news.

"-Mysterious viral outbreak. I repeat, reports are coming in of a mysterious viral outbreak. The virus seems to transfer using saliva. If you are bitten, the police urge you not to go to the hospital and to stay inside. Outbreaks are being reported in all major cities around the UK including London, Glasgow, Liverpool, Manchester and Bristol. Martial law has been put in place around the country and any breaches of this law could be met with deadly force,"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 14, 2016 ⏰

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