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It only takes us a little more than five minutes to drive to the place and get our pizza, since it was so close by. For some reason though, as we get into the car, Dee pauses.

"You know what I'm totally craving right now?" She asks, and waits for me to answer, or at least to ask what it was that she was currently craving.


"Sour Patch. Let's go, the nearest store is like a minute away."

Welcome to Ohio, where everything was close by everything.

After she shows me that she had enough money for both of us to get a bag, I agree with going, and Dee starts the car, taking us both to the store that was probably the sketchiest on the outside look, but was the closest by.

Both Delilah and I get out of the car, but once we shut the doors and she locks it, I notice that my shoes were untied and stop.

"I'm gonna be inside, don't take too long." She tells me, which basically meant that I should probably come inside as quick as possible, because it was currently pitch black outside and both me and her watched Criminal Minds, so we knew what would be happening.

I quickly bend down and start tying my shoes as Delilah walks into the store, leaving me alone. As I begin the knot, I freeze at the sound of what seemed like footsteps behind me.

Oh no.

Slowly, I turn my head, expecting to see a man in all black wearing a ski mask. Instead, I see that there wasn't one person behind me.

I was imagining it.

I shake my head and get up, but the moment I do, I freeze again.

The footsteps were back. And although I couldn't see anyone (probably due to the darkness) I knew that somebody had to be watching me right now.

I run into the store without looking back.

Frantically, I start to look for my sister, in fear of being alone in here. As I begin to rush down an isle, I notice a man stacking a display of paper towels, and make note not to bump into him as I go past.

I failed making that note. Because the moment I walked by, my untied shoelace had magically gotten underneath my shoe, and me being the clumsiest person in the entire world, I trip right into the paper towel display, knocking a bunch of them to the floor.

"Oh God, I'm so sorry." I say, my whole face heating up. I was sure my cheeks were red, which only made me more embarrassed. The man turned around, and I raise an eyebrow noticing that he wasn't a man at all. He was a teenager, which caused me to raise an eyebrow shortly.

"It's fine." He says to me, but I can tell he was just slightly ticked.

I bend over and grab one of the packets before putting it back, trying to recreate the wall I had broken. After about two the boy tries to stop me.

"Hey, it's fine, Adeline. It was just an accident." He tells me again, and I pause for just a second, in shock and if possible, even a little more embarrassment.

This guy knew who I was, and I had no clue who he was, besides the fact he had a name tag that had 'Jacob' plastered into it in all caps.

"No, I knocked it down, I should pick it up." I tell him. I wasn't trying to be an honest hero or anything, I swear. But whenever I make a mistake, I make it my personal job to fix it. Not trying to be the girl in the yearbook voted for kindest person, but it was just something I did.

So I continued to pick up the paper towels.

"Seriously, you don't have to do this." He tells me, now picking up rolls with me, a little faster though, so that I would be done and wouldn't have to pick up as many.

"I did it." I tell him.

"It's my job." He responds, and I look at him for just a moment, trying to jog my memory up and decide on who he was supposed to be.

After a moment though, Jacob's cheeks turn pink, and my eyes widen.

He thought I was checking him out.

I don't think I've even been so embarrassed for such a long time in my life.

After a while, we're finally done, and I sigh slightly in relief, then giving him a smile.

Before either of us can open our mouths, Delilah makes eye contact with me and walks over.

"There you are! I've been looking everywhere, I thought you got kidnapped. Come on, the pizza will get cold." She says, and I look at Jake once more, giving him a sheepish look.

"Have a good summer, Jacob." I tell him before walking away with my sister, since today had been our last day of school.

After we buy our Sour Patch, Delilah sees some of her friends, a group of girls and boys (who, by the way, I hated. They were rude and found it funny, and I think they were the only ones who ever laughed at their jokes.) and begins a conversation with them. Of course, Dee being Dee, this conversation takes forever, and after not being able to take the stare down one guy was giving me for much longer, I tug on Delilah's shirt, then looking at the door.

"We should go, talk to you guys later!" She says, and we both begin to walk out the door. I look back once more to the group and notice they were walking in the direction to where Jacob was. Yikes.

"God, I hate them." Dee tells me once we're in the car, and I smile at her honestly. I could tell halfway through their conversation, with my sister being extra fake at one point.

"Me too." Is all I say back, the thought of pizza currently consuming my mind. My stomach begins to grumble, which causes both of us to laugh slightly, before Delilah parks in front of our house and we get out of the car, pizza in my hand and Sour Patch in hers.

Once we're in the house, we get into our pajama's and turn on a movie (High School Musical, of course). And as we eat while watching, my thoughts were split in two.

One half about whatever was watching me in front of the store, and the other half about Jacob.

are you guys enoch AF or jake AF (PICK ONE PLEASE !! very important question my dudes)

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