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Waking up at four am is definitely not my favorite activity.

Waking up at four am to go to some island where the population seems to be negative one is also not my favorite activity.

But here I was, laying in bed with the alarm on my phone beeping, before the sun had even risen.

Delilah, of course, had made the whole situation even better.

"Okay, you're going to the airport wearing that?" She asks, pointing to the ring on my index finger. It had originally been a quarter, but in art class last year I had shaped it to be a ring.

"It's not a big deal, Dee. Who's going to examine my hand and look for this?" I say, rolling my eyes at her.

Turns out, the police were the ones to examine my hand, after making my way through a metal detector (not so successfully, may I add). Not only did I trip while walking through, but of course, it just had to beep, causing the cops to all turn my way.

Let me tell you, having a forty year old man pat me down in front of what felt like the whole entire world was definitely not the highlight of my life.

"Looks like you found some arm candy before I did, not fair." Dee says to me while pouting, referring to the man with the mustache. (Pretty impressive, I've got to admit. But I'm only interested in guys that don't look like they belong on the example section of 'How to Catch A Predator').

"I'm sure you'll find at least one sugar daddy." I tell her, using the term that I knew she never liked to hear, but always liked to say.

"Yuck." My sister says, sticking her tongue out in disgust. "Moving on though, when we went to Florida, me and you both know that flight attendance was a solid nine out of ten. And guess what, we're using the same airline!"

"So the chances of you seeing him or any other good looking flight attendant on the airplane we're about to go to is?" I say, waiting for her to finish my sentence.

"Super high."

At least she was being positive about all of this. Sadly though, the chances were not super high. In fact, they were pretty low. Because all the flight attendants were woman above thirty, and there was no way that Dee could hide the frown showing on her face.

"Still the island, right?" She says to me once we're both seated, and I give her a small smile for being so hopeful, even though I was absolutely, one hundred percent sure that there would be no boys that met up to her hopeless romantic standards on that island, and one hundred ten percent sure that there was no one for me.

Not that I was one of those "love isn't real, you can never trust somebody" kind of person. Just that if there was somebody, my older sister would walk into the room, and all eyes would be on her.

We had common similarities, both of us with long light brown hair, and the same sly smile, like we may or may not be hiding a secret that you would be dying to know.

But Delilah was much more of an extrovert than I am. I don't stay quiet in a group, or wear shirts that say "Don't talk to me". But Dee had an over-bubbly and confident personality that I just couldn't match up to. Hence why Delilah was known and Dee and I was known as Dee's sister.

So, the chances of me having a "summer fling" before Dee snatching them up was little to none. Not that Dee would ever steal one of my boyfriends, but it seemed that any guy I spoke to only wanted to hear about my sister's current life, and what they usually meant by that was if she was currently single.

"The plane is landing!" Dee shakes my arm after about seven hours pass by, and I notice that she was right. While I had my headphones in, the pilot had announced we would be landing at any moment, and that we should all be seated.

So after fifteen minutes, the plane was on the ground, and everyone was filing out, bags and purses in hand.

"Well, he's cute." Dee says, when we're exiting the airport, pointing to a boy around our age, holding hands with a blonde girl.

"Yeah, and taken." I tell her, and she rolls her eyes playfully at me, but doesn't speak back.

"Alright girls, the boat will be here in an hour, so let's get ourselves over to the port while we still can." I turn and look at my mother, who was obviously way more excited than any of us.

I wish I had just stayed behind with Dad.

After grabbing a taxi and begin making our way to the port, I notice that Wales wasn't so under populated, which caused me to think that maybe I was wrong about this island being a no show place.

The second I got to the island, I realized that there was no way I could possibly be wrong.

"What a real tourist attraction." I mumble, not wanting my mom to be downed by my reaction.

Not only was it muddy, and looked like it was the other half of Shrek's swamp, but this place might have been the absolute emptiest place I've ever went to.

"At least I'll be able to get my beauty sleep." Delilah says to me, but I could tell that she was majorly disappointed.

On the other hand, Mom couldn't have been happier.

"Oh, this is going to be great! Now, let's go ask around and see where the hotel is." My mother says to us, a smile on her face.

Ask who?

Fortunately, the hotel wasn't so hard to find, it being the only half hotel half pub in the island.

Unfortunately however, the hotel room we had reserved only had two beds in it. The man who owned this place had decided to let me sleep in the other room, since this packed place didn't have anyone currently sleeping there. A miracle.

"Hey, Addie, there are some pretty historical places here that you could take some pictures of with me, apparently a bomb dropped here at a children's hospital or something? Perfect for your type of photos." My mom tells me, after I put my suitcase in my room.

"Not right now, I'm pretty tired with all this jet lag. Maybe later?" I say, and my mom nods her head.

"Yeah, go ahead and get some sleep. I'm pretty tired myself too." She says, before saying goodnight and shutting my door.

I lay down on my bed, the last thing on my mind being actually sleeping.

so because you guys also love Millard (me too bitches) I'm adding him so once again please vote (IF YOU ALREADY SAID JAKE OR ENOCH GO QHEAD AND SAY IT AGAIN HERE or change it up if you've changed your mind idk you do you) BUT ALSO MILLARD

////:: SO MILLARD, ENOCH, OR JAKE? ::///


Atlantis (MPHFPC)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora