Chapter 5

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Faith's POV:

"Why is there a bunch of bloody tissues in your trash?" Shit. Those are from my relapse when I was trying to clean up the blood...

"Um those are from when the blisters on my feet were bleeding.."

"That's a lot of blood.."

"Yeah it is.. and I meant to take that out to the garbage this morning. I'll be right back." I said as I started walking out my bedroom door.

"You just fainted there's no way I'm letting you take that outside in the cold. Here I'll do it." he said reaching out for the trash bag. "Now go lay down I'll make some hot chocolate while I'm down there."

"Thanks. Just hurry back up here cause I really wanna cuddle."

"I will." he said while making his way down stairs leaving me about 5 minutes to hide all my blades that I left out on my dresser. I can't believe I was so careless. I can't imagine how he would react. I had time to try and throw up the granola bar from earlier but I think its best I kept it down.

"I come bearing hot chocolate!' Niall said.

"Yay I was getting lonely" I said as I grabbed the remote from my bedside table and slid under the sheets next to Niall. "So lets see what horror movie we haven't this looks interesting." I said as I clicked on the show "American Horror Story". "We should totally watch this I've seen it all around tumblr."

"Since when were you a tumblr girl?" Niall asked me.

"Uh I don't know I just thought it might be fun. I follow a couple of your fans too."

"Interesting I would love to see your dashboard."

"Well someone always seems to reblog porn onto my- wait how do you know it's called a dashboard?"

He laughed and said "I used to have a fan account so I could see what the fans were up to."

"You should get it back. I'd love to follow you" I said slightly sarcastic.

"Haha yeah... lets just watch this it sounds interesting."

"YES!" I said as I clicked the play button for the first episode to start loading.


About half way into the episode it showed one of the main characters, Violet, cutting her wrist which made me a little nervous. Niall grabbed my hand and started stroking it with his thumb while I just hope he didn't go further up my arm. We were addicted from the start and were on episode 5 by the time my mum got home.


"Ugh fuck" I muttered pausing the show and walking into the hallway. "What the hell do you want I'm with Niall" I said with a little too much attitude.

"Get down here right now. You have some explaining to do Missy."

I walked down the stairs and sat in one of the stools by the bar. "What did I do now." I said sarcastically.

"Why did the maids find ripped up bloody tissues all over the house today?"

"I don't know why don't you tell me? I mean you try to tell me every little damn detail of what I should say or do so you tell me mum."

"I'm sick of that filthy language. You better clean it up or Niall is out of here."

"Are you fucking kidding me?! You're really going to try and make me work over 16 hours at dance by dancing and teaching and then take away the only part of my life that makes me happy? No matter what you say it's not going to happen but nice try."

"You're 17 years old Faith I am still your guardian until you are 18. That gives me the right to punish you from seeing him."

"You? You call yourself a guardian?! You don't know the first thing about me. You don't even know that I fainted at dance today. There's a reason why I didn't call my own mother to pick me up. Did you ever think of that?" I said storming up the stairs and slamming the door to my room while tears started forming in my eyes.

"Woah Faith what happened? Come here." Niall said motioning me towards him, his eyes filled with concern.

"I'm sorry, I'm so so sorry."

"For what exactly..?"

"My mom's trying to get rid of you. She claims I'm not ready for a serious relationship because of my dancing career."


"I'm not letting her Niall. I would never do that. I love you too much."

He paused for a couple seconds and then said "I love you too" and kissed me. We continued until my mum knocked on my door making both of us jump.

"Faith we're not done with our conversation. If you do not come downstairs within the next 5 minutes I'm shutting off your phone service."

I waited till I heard her foot steps on the stairs and said "I'll be right back after I'm done talking to my physotic mother." I quickly walked downstairs into my mums room. "What is there to talk about? I already told you I am not going to break up with Niall just because you want me to so get that out of your head because it's not happening."

"Thats not what were talking about right now. I want to know why there were bloody tissues all over the house."

"I had a nose bleed and I guess the dog got them out of my trash and ripped them up throughout the house."

"Faith you know that's- excuse my French.. but bullshit. You've never had a nosebleed."

"Ugh fine it was just some blisters from my feet. I put them in the garbage and I guess Marley got them out.." Might as well tell her the same lie I told Niall. There was no way she would know about this before him.

"Then be responible and close your door when you leave for dance. You're going back when you get home. Got it?"

"Yes I know."

"When are you leaving for Niall's parents? Tomorrow?"

"We decided to leave on Monday since most people are leaving tomorrow... I'll make sure to lock up the house and shit."

She sighed and said "Faith I'm sorry I've been so hard on you. When your dad left do you remember what he told you?"

"That he loved me.."

"And I love you too Faith. I just want the best for you. I want you to call me instead of Niall next time something like that happens okay?"

"Yeah okay."

"Faith I'm sorry I don't know what else you want me to say.."

"A couple sorrys cannot fix what you've done to me."

"Honey I-" and with that I walked out of her room. God all I wanted to do was forgive her but I couldn't. That doesn't make the scars go away. I walked back up to my room and found Niall scrolling through his twitter feed.

He looked up at me with a sort of sadness in his eyes. "Everything okay

"Kinda. Well she's leaving for her plane to Florida in about an hour, so it doesn't really matter."

"Okay well then we have the whole night and tomorrow to ourselves." he said with a slight smirk.

"Right..uh yeah I still need to pack for your mum and dads.."

"You can do that tomorrow. Lets continue where we left off" he said and pressed play.


hope you guys like this chapter.. sorry i suck at updating but im going to be more active now :)

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