Chapter 19: Tea Party

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Chapter 19: Tea Party

"Dee Dee," Daemon replied. I felt my jaw slackened and I wondered, 'Was he joking?' He wasn't. He walked straight to Dee Dee and I followed just a few foot steps behind.

"Big Brother and Big Sister!" Dee Dee greeted cheerfully. "You took down Jacky very well." She really saw things through an happy lens. Despite seeing how scary each recruit was, she still stood smiling, unafraid. A few recruits also patted her on the head or gave her a hug earlier on. It was hard to imagine why Daemon would choose Dee Dee.

Jack walked by and glared at Dee Dee but the glare had not lasted long. He immediately looked down and away from her. 'Why?' I wondered and looked up to find Zen staring at Jack even as teams were buzzing about asking questions and talking. It was a very unsettling stare, the kind that might just confirm that 'looks could kill'.

"Can we talk to you for a bit?" Daemon asked.

"Sure! Big Brother and Big Sister can join me for a tea party!" Dee Dee said excitedly and grabbed both our hands, leading us down the hallways.


When she had said 'tea party', the first thing that came to mind was probably what came to yours: A small plastic table with plastic plates, tea cups, a tea pot and some fake pastries on top. Stuffed toys seating around like attendees of the tea party atop small plastic stools or chairs.

But this 'tea party' was a literal one.

It was held in an indoors garden. A glass table set for three was prepared with a small tower of berry related pastries from macaroons to bite sized tarts. China ware were placed professionally on the the table with such equal spacing that I wondered if the person who had set it up used a ruler. The tea pot and tea cups were finely decorated.

The entire set up really fit Dee Dee well...and us too. As part of the 'tea party', she had gotten Daemon and I to change to something more appropriate and I was very puzzled as to where she managed to find a dress my size so fast. That or it was because it was stretchable and could be tightened like a corset. Thankfully, Dee Dee was a child or I think the dress would be squashing my torso like I had seen and read so many characters complain about.

The dress I wore was a light blue adult sized version of Dee Dee's. Luckily, I still wore my sneakers as this dress was quite heavy and if I had swapped my foot ware for heels, I think my feet would not make it. Daemon was forced to wear an ill fitting suit, making him look like a butler in baggy clothes in this set up. I couldn't keep in my laughter and exploded the moment I saw him. He scowled with Dee Dee amplifying the laughter.

"Is this really necessary?" he asked with completely no traces of humour. I laughed harder till I was bending over and clutching my stomach. "I don't think a Lady is supposed to laugh like that."

"Good thing I'm not!" I replied and took a seat. Dee Dee and Daemon then took their seats. Somehow, he had collected his composure and managed to pull of the look. He helped pour the tea, which smelled something like Darjeeling.

"So what did Big Brother and Sister want to say?" she questioned with bright, curious eyes and munching on a pink macaroon.

"Can you be our head mentor?" he asked.

"Sure!" she replied with a smile. That could not be it- "But on two conditions," she placed a blue macaroon on my plate, "Protect each other and yourselves and," she placed a second but green macaroon on Daemon's plate, "honest too." She emphasized on the word, 'honest', and had looked at Daemon when she said that. "Can I get everyone's agreement?"

'Dee Dee knows more than she's letting on,' I thought and in my peripheral vision I saw Daemon's blank face, the same one that appeared every time there seemed to be some kind of internal conversation. The emphasis of her words was clear despite her childish way of saying it. 'It's a disguise just like everything else here is disguised for security reasons,' Instinct came in. 'Wait. Did that mean she wrote the note?'

"Yes," Daemon and Cole said. For a moment, I was stunned, thinking that he was answering my thoughts, but when the little logic returned to me, I realised he was replying to Dee Dee. She, now, looked at me to get my consensus.

"Yes," I simply replied. Daemon would have thought through before choosing her as a head mentor so I would trust him on the decision. Furthermore, the conditions were what I would have to do, wasn't it? In fact, being honest was what I did already.

"Good. Now, I want to ask you two a few questions," she said. "Who am I?"

"The boss of this intelligence agency," I blurbed out just as Daemon, no, Cole smacked the table (in what I presumed to be a gesture of realization) and responded, "The 'D' in the DEFENSE acronym!" I snapped my head towards him. 'It was right in front of me! Her name it self sounded like 'D D'!'

She giggled and responded delightfully, "Big Brother and Sister are really smart! What's the name of Cole's alter?"

"Daemon," Cole replied. I had kept silent from the surprise. She really knew a lot more than I, or almost anyone would have suspected.

"Oh, one question for Cole and Daemon. Is what happened on 12th June a big problem?"

My eyebrows furrowed. Wasn't 12th June the day I was helping Cole and Daemon in their attempt to run? And it couldn't be that horrendous middle aged man because that was my problem. I looked between the both on them; they both wore calm masks that revealed nothing to me. The only thing that did was the silence, which meant that there was a problem, one that I was missing.

"Yes," they finally replied.

"All right. I trust you know what to do and prove, Big Brother." He stiffened but it was obvious that he would follow as she had said, as reluctant as he was.

"Go ahead," he said to me. "Ask your question."

I swallowed, nervous as to what the answer was, "What's the big problem?"

"We killed that middle aged man, not knock him out," he replied, highlighting 'we' with his tone.

"Why?" I found myself asking overly relaxed, as if this was no big deal, no big deal that he electrocuted a man to his death.

"It was... It was in the heat of the moment," he forced out.


A/N: Do you realise what the number beside the □□ means now? (Yeah, that's why the number changed in Chapter 15. ;) and that's the answer foe what the 'D' in DEFENSE mentioned in Chapter 7 stands for. :P)


I'm really sorry about the short chapter and that I will be updating less often for a while. I've just continued my lab attachment and I'm working on reports and proposals so it's busy. :/

Btw, I would like to know your opinions about me posting the sequel to this story. I haven't typed anything beyond this chapter yet but your opinion will help me decide whether I intend to make a Grim or Grin sequel. There's already a twisted plot in my head. XD

Pls comment what you think. :)

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