Chapter 23: Remuneration

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Chapter 23: Remuneration

The high dome is replaced with the morning sky with the accompanying torturous running track from yesterday occupying the floor. A soft, comforting breeze passes the grassy plane surrounded by the oval track.

"Why did you choose this place if you just wanted to talk?" I asked, puzzled. I currently sat across from Daemon on the grassy field. If he wanted to just simply talk, why had he gone to the point of disguising it as 'morning exercise'?

"The graphics the dome uses and the changing of floors makes it very difficult to install cameras. The lack of cameras also diffuses attention from this dome should people find the blueprints or analysed this place."

"Why avoid cameras?"

"I can't be just camera shy?" he responded. "It's regarding the documents Cole and I signed." He closed his eyes for a second. "MOD didn't just let me off the hook for 'mass' murder. Cole had tried several times to dissuade me from killing so he only has less of an allowance and has to work as an operative for at least five years, somewhat like the agreement you signed. But I have to clear a 'major'," he air quoted, "mission as well."

"So I'll have to clear that major mission as well?" I asked. Since we were on the same team, it would only mean that I would be involved in the major mission at some point in the five years as well.

"No, it's not necessary for you. This is my remuneration."

"Why tell me then?"

"Because I need you for the major mission," he replied.

"Why would you need me?" I questioned immediately with my eyebrows furrowed. I couldn't help but feel a swell of happiness to know I was needed. However, it was shaded in doubt. Was I really needed? He was great at fighting, disguising and acting already, a great candidate for an operative. Why team up with me? I sincerely doubt that I would be of any real help even if this major mission came in the later part of my five years here.

Does it have something to do with my dream?

After all, in my dream, no one was able to 'clear last plate'. It has something to do with why I was offered a Golden Ticket?

"I can't tell you the answer but I can say that I'm not the great candidate you think I am. This isn't a mission I can clear alone or with just anyone. And it isn't just the matter of who knows about Cole and me. Not even Zen and Dee Dee would be suitable."

I blinked and swallowed, the grass suddenly feeling more prominent than before. The green leafy blades press against the skin of my crossed legs. "Why can't you-"

"Dee Dee's commands."

"Dee Dee?" I found myself blurting out. "What about this major mission?"

"You saw what was in the white envelope besides the note, right?" I nodded. 'The King and the Pawn...' "They were chess pieces."

With his emphasis on the word, 'chess', things were snapping into place. A game. Dee Dee had planned a specific mission. A gameplan per se. But she had missing pieces; she required Cole/Daemon and somehow...


But that also meant I couldn't be a pawn. There were multiple pawns in chess. If Daemon said my role was specific, 'King' would have to be my role. And it made sense, didn't it? The King could only move one square and in a non-diagonal direction if I remembered correctly. The most restrained piece, the weakest piece.

Yet it was crucial. How? On the chessboard, it was entirely obvious. The King represented the player on the board but in my circumstance, Dee Dee was the player. What was I for then? I couldn't- No, wasn't Dee Dee's representation.

"You can't tell me what the mission is about exactly, can't you?" I finally asked the rhetorical question. There was no need to see his response or hear it.

It wouldn't have made a difference to what I would have said next.

"Will you help me? Please," he asked.

Two choices were what I seemed to have but now that I thought about it, I was directed to one choice. Dee Dee knew that if Daemon or Cole had asked, I would have said, "Yes." If Pam and Leo were pieces in her 'game', was it possible she purposefully made the scenario such that I would be teamed up with Cole for project work? Was it possible that our topic on MOD was also planned?

How much was manipulated? It was also never just 'checkmating' Cole/Daemon. It was four people - Cole/Daemon and me, and later on I would find out that Ripper and Angela were entrapped as well.

Was it a mistake to sign an agreement with MOD? With Dee Dee?

Would I have chosen the same thing if I had known what it would begin? That two years later, I would be involved in one of the most tragic KIAs (Killed in Action) in MOD?

Maybe I would. The "Yes." decided the route I took and little did I know that the game had started ever since the first test... Or perhaps before that...

A/N: Hi, y'all! Yeah, I know this is a short chapter so the next part will be updated really soon.

I understand that it's sudden but ≪Grim or Grin≫ will be ending soon with the next part. HOWEVER, I'll be updating still with 'extra' chapters about other characters or what happened during each time shift like what happened between Lyla and Cole/Daemon in the months btw February and June. (And also on the misadventures of Dee Dee. ^ω^ ) Oh! Did anyone realise that Lyla only met Cole/Daemon on 14 February? *suggestively wiggles eyebrows*

I originally intended to also include the 'first test' before ending but because it is quite time consuming to type it so it will be an 'extra'.

A/N: Wahahaha! U continued. (Y) Here's a sneak peek at the first test or at least the details. ;) Btw, did y'all remember the boy that passed by Daemon and Lyla at the 'Train' station?

F I R S T T E S T (Sneak peek)

"We're supposed to break out that guy from MOD's own jail?" Lyla asked incredulously with shock widening her eyes.

"What better a test? It's a controlled environment and it would test most of the necessary skills you two would need for the major mission," Zen responded. When her face remained frozen in stunned silence, he continued, "You know him?"

"The guy at the train station!"

"Is it necessary to feign surprise?" Daemon questioned with his eyes narrowed at Zen. "MOD knows exactly how we're related."

"Yes, it's time to get back your former partner in crime."

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