Loving and Promising

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Marinette had just came back from the publishing company to find a certain blonde, bag in hand, sitting down next to her door in wait of the bluenette. It was weird - for her - seeing as Adrien's amnesia required him to remember nothing of her the next day but here he was, sitting with a smile on his face, as if he was excited to see her.

"Adrien?" Marinette finally called out. She stood in front of the blond, eyebrows raised, mouth quirked at the side. It may have been confusing but Marinette knew she was all too content in seeing the blonde. Adrien stood up with a smiley gasp, lifting himself of the ground to (out of no where) hug the bluenette tightly. "We're really dating?" This wasn't new to Marinette like it was to Adrien seeing as she had to say the same response everyday this past month. She laughed a little, hugging her boyfriend back as she replied as she always did,

"Yeah. We are."

Marinette opened up her apartment to let Adrien wander around and be curious of the stuff Marinette had yet he had already forgotten. Marinette smied again as she watched Adrien look around her apartment, not before coughing harshly. Like she didn't have a coughing fit before leaving the company? Although, as the coughs worsened, so did Marinette's fear of dying. She was not ready to leave Adrien yet would he care? He wouldn't even remember her aagin tomorrow so...was it time to let him go? As much as Marinette thought it would be the best, she didn't want to die without someone by her side. Alya was away again, saying she couldn't handle her best friend dying. It was selfish of her, Marinette knew, but she let Alya go anyway.

"I looked through the diary and saw you were writing a book about me. Is that true?" Adrien asked out of nowhere, scaring the hell out of Marinette. She yelped a little, startling Adrien before placing a hand over her racing heart, calming herself down. Adrien's shocked gaze then became dark and almost - what Marinette hated - pitiful. "It also said you were dying." Silence filled the apartment and it became too uncomfortable. "Y-yeah." Marinette replied timidly. Arms then wrapped around her, warm and that's when she felt hot tears soaking through the fabric of her shirt. "A-Adrien? Why are you c-crying?" He pulled his gaze up to meet Marinette's, hands cupping her cheeks and pulling her in for a kiss - small but passionate. "I should be asking you that." The smaller didn't realise she too, was crying. Marinette became scared, too afraid to let Adrien go. She passionately kisses him, not letting go. 


Marinette wakes up, a dull throbbing pain in her chest greeting her. She sighs in slight aggrievance but slowly rises to reach into her bedside cabinet to retrieve her medication. It's became routine these last couple of weeks, the throbbing starting weeks ago after her meltdown with Adrien. It was really unfair, for both her and Adrien. All Marinette had wanted was to live peacefully so, find love and to have a healthy life albeit life has its ways of ruining her dreams. 

The only dream it didn't ruin yet however, was her dream of writing novels. Her last one - the one about Adrien - is almost complete. A chapter left. The ending. It was obvious to those who knew about the book what the ending consisted off; heartache, tears, forget-me-nots. "How ironic." Marinette mumbled under her breath.  Forget-me-nots were her favourite flower. 

Marinette lifted herself slowly from her bed, a slight wobble from her legs falling asleep. She made her way towards the kitchen, raising the blinds from the window to let the sun beam down and warm the kitchen counter. Marinette watched the outside world for a couple of seconds, taking in the slow wave of the trees and the fast flight of the birds. 

"To think, this could be my last day seeing this." Marinette had said to no one. "My last day, of seeing the sun, the birds, the flowers. My last day of truly living." She smiled sadly and looked down at her hands. Had they always been so boney? So pale? Marinette shrugged, smiling as she grabbed a cup out of the cupboard and putting the kettle on. 

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