Forgetting and Needing

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"Hello. My name is Marinette Dupain-Cheng and I will be your new neighbour." The bluenette introduced herself to the man that had blond hair with bright, emerald green eyes. "I'm Adrien Agreste. It's nice to meet you." Adrien took Marinette's hand and shook it, a slight shock going through his hand. Every hand that he had ever shook, had never gave him a jolt of surprise. And so with a widened expression and a small smile, he greeted his new neighbour all knowing he wouldn't remember this meeting tomorrow.

"My job? I'm an author. I moved here to get some inspiration but mainly some peace and quiet." Marinette answered. After helping her move in, Adrien invited her for a cup of tea. She talked about her lifestyle and how she was quite run down on energy these days due to work and it was her editor's idea to move somewhere that is quiet. "Are you going to be okay?" Marinette needed to be okay to get inspiration. "I am. But it's like I said, low energy means no motivation to write."

She wasn't lying but she bent the truth to an extent.

Adrien was deeply entranced by Marinette and took in her features, her voice and her whole entire existence. This girl captivated him so well, he didn't want to forget a single detail. It was like this girl was ethereal. An all natural beauty. Not like he had a choice in what he wanted to remember or not. Marinette continued answering Adrien's questions. She enjoyed his company yet she only knew the blond for a mere couple of hours. It was comforting. It was like home to them both. They continued talking about anything and everything and Adrien had never felt more desperate for this meeting of theirs to prolong.

"Ah, I better get back and unpack. Thank you for the tea, Adrien." Marinette placed her cup back on the saucer provided and motioned for Adrien to escort her out. He did without complaint - he was gentlemanly towards all women that he met. Simply because he had always been that way. "It's no problem Marinette. I hope to see you tomorrow." Marinette flushed and giggled softly, "I hope so too." And she left.

Adrien was now alone standing in the hallway, staring at the door Marinette just left through. Tears started to form in frustration. He hated this - not being able to remember - but as always he had to repeat himself again tomorrow. He took this time before going to sleep, to remember ever detail on Marinette's face.

Adrien had reminded himself to write down what he learned about Marinette in the black diary he kept on his study table. That book was his only solace in his unfortunate life. Anyone he met, he had written down the date he had met them and what he knew. Marinette's page had happened to be the only page that seemed full. Adrien hoped that he could at least acknowledge the bluenette's features when he greets himself again tomorrow. This girl had something about her. Something that made Adrien almost desperate to keep her in his mind. It was a need.

Adrien sighed and fell asleep, nightmares of the accident happening again before waking up the next day, without a clue to what had happened today. All that Adrien could really remember, was his life before the accident (which is something he did wish to forget).


Marinette entered her apartment next door and leaned on the door frame, trying to steady herself. Her breathing was ragged and it took almost all her energy to walk a couple of steps towards the side unit that held her prescripted drugs  - like the stupid things ever worked properly. She enjoyed the time she had with Adrien - finally glad that she made new friend. It was true what she said though. She did hope to see him again tomorrow even if he couldn't remember. She knew of his condition, getting the information of her editor. Marinette was curious of course but to know that Adrien was that sweet and kind despite his problem, made Marinette's heart flutter...until it started hurting her again.

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