Prologue: Mash It

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Around The World In A Day Masquerade Ball

June 7th

"What the fuck y'all looking at?" He asked slipping into a small room filled with a group of men who huddled around a series of small black and white screens.

"Shit, Boss." One of the men quickly turned startled to see who just walked through the door, he tried and failed to turn off the screens they were all too busy staring at to notice the man that just joined them.

"So I pay y'all good money and this is the kind of security I get?" Clapping the shoulders of a few members of his security team, finally he was able to draw their attention from the screen.

"Sho is money but no one said it was good." The comment flew out of a guards mouth before he could catch it.

"Want me to dock you?" Snarling he raised a perfectly arched eyebrow. His usual full lips drawn in a straight line of aggression. Those words ruffled feathers.

"Shit, P come on he was kidding." The guard smiled easily and watched as the tone of his boss's face completed softened as he caught the view of what had grasped their attention so tightly.

"The fuck is this peep show?" He pointed to one of the screens. The blurry outline fuzzed the edges of the picture, but he was able to clearly make out the figure spinning around lazily in a swivel chair. Her body casually thrown over the back as she twirled, dark hair grazing the ground in soft curls. The short voluminous skirt she wore inched up well over her thighs as she bent forward causing her ass to slip from below the trim of lace. He wondered the color of her panties as he watched her.

"Some girl, man. She got herself locked in a closet upstairs."

"Wait you just left her there? And that's not messed up to you?" He thought of the poor girl they had just kept stranded.

"We've been waiting for her to take off her mask, it's been almost an hour. We got a bet going... you want in? I think she fine as hell under there. George on the other hand thinks she'll be a dog, cause she ain't taken it off yet." The rest of the men followed in a chorus of howls and barks.

"Y'all got problems... mainly not working."

"We're just trying to have some fun, boss." The men's eyes began to wonder back to the girl on the screen. "So what do you think is under there?"

"With an ass like that does it matter? You don't always gotta look at a face to fuck."

Again the small room erupted is childish laughter and cat calls.

"Get ya asses to work." He bellowed before slinking back down the hallway stopping abruptly he turned to an archway and walked up a row of stairs that led to a large storage closet on the next flight. His heels clicking on the steps as he made his way up effortlessly.

Quietly he stood in front of the bright orange door marked in bold red letters: Storage, Personnel Only. Well someone sure as hell doesn't know how to read. Smoothing his hand over the garden of flowers that adorned his sleeves, he smiled slipping back on his mask. Damn he hadn't even blown out the candles on his birthday cake.

Masks, We All Wear Them In One Form Or Another...

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