I Don't Know Ur Name (II)

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My finger traced over bright green foliage. I marveled in the idea that the fabric wrapped tightly around his thighs perfectly matched his boots, creating a seamless field of flowers against bold red. "Nice shoes." I muse nonchalantly hoping the tone would shield my embarrassment.

"Nice A...." The deep sound of a harsh short vowel lingered heavily letting me know exactly what word he was going to choose. A crooked smirk slowly forming across his lips, before he corrected with, "Ahhhh Mask." Reaching out he brushed away a chestnut ringlet that fell across the front of my flowered headband during the ridiculous gymnast routine. That smug grin only increased as his thin finger etched the delicate blue scroll across my mask. The large brim of his bandolero hat cast a shadow over his face as he peered down. Lifting it up with a quick motion, his face and the mask that he hid behind came into full view. "Damn, I was right, we would fit together." With an eyebrow arched his expression brightened as if he anticipated a certain reaction from me, but it seemed to fade slowly as the intended wasn't fulfilled.

His features now exposed, the dim lighting of the room caught a pair of wide hazel eyes that were lined thickly with kohl. The effect made them seem even larger and more playful behind his disguise. A black lace cravat peeking from underneath the exaggerated shoulders of his crimson coat was a stark contrast to the casual nature of a bandana tied around his forehead. The mask he adorned surprisingly similar to my own. Red flowers bloomed from vines across an artistic rendition of a sugar skull.

I tried to bury the smile that began to creep across my lips at the irony of our situation, it all seemed a little too coincidental. Offering his hand to finally help me off my knees, I stood still a little lightheaded from all the spinning. Stumbling slightly, his arms caught me before I found my way back to the floor.

"Are you alright?" His chuckle echoed closely against the skin of my neck, and I felt once again the familiar flutter of embarrassment.

"I was until I heard that click." Frustrated I threw my hands at the door he stood in front of. "Now we're stuck. Can't believe you moved, I told you not to move." Turning sharply on my heels I steadied myself as I walked carefully back to the stained brown chair, that had once been the highlight of my captivity. With every step I took, the nylon encasing my legs rubbed painfully against my knee. Giving an exaggerated sigh I sunk back into my spot. I swear if I ever make it out of here I will never sit in a rolly chair for as long as I live.

"Well... I wasn't expecting such a... exciting entrance." The low rumble of his laugh filled the shadowed space around us. "Your dismount was a little sloppy though." Again the sound dipped flirtatiously.

"Well maybe if we ever get outta here you can help me improve it." I quipped spinning around furiously in my chair to face him, lip slightly curled.

"Oh, I can sho..." His silken tone trailed off as all my words finally began to sink in. "Wait, you mean we can't get outta here?"

"Wow, that took you a while." Shaking my head I threw my legs over the arm of the chair. If he's this thick it's going to be a very long night.

"I was... distracted" An arrogant curl caught his lips, as he rimmed his bottom of his mouth with his thumb. God that smug smile never seemed to go away. "So you're saying we're stuck... in here?" His large eyes scanned the room falling over all the abandoned pieces of clutter, the curl to his lips finally began to falter. Until of course, his gaze found mine, and like a rekindled fire his smirk grew.

"Yes, genius, we're stuck in here."

"But the door was unlocked." He reaffirmed, acting as if he was giving me new information. Unfortunately, I was already well aware of how wrong he was.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2023 ⏰

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