complete prologue

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For years two major kingdoms have had conflict, almost at war. Manly because of cultural difference, but manly it has to do with it's rulers. Since the two queens took power the conflict got even worse. Rumors say it's because of something that happen in the past but no one is completely sure.

The Shio kingdom is ruled by only one leader, yours truly queen Vivian. Despite peoples request she refused to find a new king. People around the kingdom were furious and scared. They accused her of being unfit for the title and to make matters worse she wasn't even born in the Shio kingdom.  Still the queen did not step down she challenged anyone to oppose her fight her in any kind of way. If she lost she would resign, but if she won they would have to hold their tongues. People across the kingdom challenged her in any way possible, she beat them all with amazing abilities. Rumors staring going around that she wasn't human and they weren't wrong.

After defeating everyone who opposed her she declared tiredly that her oldest daughter would take her place as soon as she prove herself worthy. This seemed to calm people down since the girl did indeed had Shion blood in her. 

That's were our story begins, with princess saint-hun and Sayu's fifteen birthday. Yep they were twins, fraternal twins. With Saint-hun being the oldest, the heir.  A ball was held despite both princesses protest. Both princess had a unique personalities, mostly with Sayu being a trouble maker and Saint-hun being too cold. 

That special night is were it all began, when queen vivian announced the details of her retirement and saint-hun possible succession. 

"Princess Saint-hun has been training for the title all her life, she has passed through numerous challenges and tests. Now the only thing that is left to be done is to pass one more test, the ultimate test. She has to fulfill the purpose god has given her along as well her protector Sayu." said the queen  loud and clear. 

You see when the gods want something done in earth they normally send a earth creature like human or fairy. Any creature that seems fit for the job. Along with a protector someone who has to protect them and help them for the rest of their life even after the mission is completed. A cruel fate sayu has yet to accept, but this is what she was made for. She can't refuse her fate, the fate her god has give her. 

Their is a lot going on in this story the soon to come war, her purpose, and all the political affairs this kingdom has. How will Saint-hun handle all of it, specially when her enemy is constantly sending monsters to kill her. 

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