Chapter 1

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saint-hun POV

I was finally fifteen and ready to be queen when my queen decided that my purpose was to be my final test. Our god had given me the mission to bring back the ones who broke the contract. You see underworld demons have to make contracts in other to feed, if for some reason the demon breaks the contract it is to be punished by death. which to demons can only be caused by gods. These demons apparently ran away and have escaped to earth. Gods hate steeping on this land so he made me, now I have execute them and bring them back to the underworld. Why not just send someone from the underworld you ask? Well the exact reason is unknown because I didn't have time to ask and honestly who would question a god.

Since I have a purpose I also get a protector who is none other than my sister. An earth demon who was initially was supposed to be the oldest but decided to stay longer in my queens stomach. how is that possible you ask? well my queen is a demon and my sister is also a demon. I'm not even half demon more like a third of a demon. You see we have different fathers, since my mother is a demon she was able to hold us both at the same time. 

My father the dead king begged my queen to make him heir who was able to overcome the curse that was set upon him.  At that time Sayu was already in my queen's stomach, since demons take longer to develop she was born second. She is also completely OK with this since being heir is to much of a bother. That and also because she does not carry the royal blood.

So that makes me the heir, at least people will stop calling me princess. I hate it with all my might being a princess. They expect me to wear dresses and care about nothing except to look pretty and behave. That's not me I care about my kingdom and my only interest is to make this place into a place were people can live in harmony. Well at least as peaceful as it can get, that foolish idea of world peace will never happen. Their will always be conflict, without conflict their be no purpose in living. Also dresses are to much for me to handle, I don't have time to deal with it. So I decided to wear one of the two traditional clothing of my kingdom. Although more simple so that I can work properly. 

I wish I could have worn my normal attire to the ball at least but no I was forced into a dress, Sayu also had to wear a dress. It doesn't bother her at all, to her is just like wearing pants or training attire. She can easily move in dresses too, it mostly has to with the fact that she is a demon but also because she was trained by our main maid Mrs. Seal. When Sayu was younger she was too much of a tomboy and she refused to learn how to act like a lady so my queen put Mrs. Seal in charge of her lessons. That women achieved the impossible, turning Sayu into a child who did not know how to behave into a child who did know how to behave just that she refused to behave.   

Her dress as always was black while mine was light blue, both of the were long and hard to move in. I struggled to move around the salon while sayu looks like she's walking in the garden. Not gracefully but really casual, she looks bored and is refusing to greet the guest. She hates parties, and without her companions who are also her friends she becomes quiet. Quiet not shy.

She looks at me with a look of boredom and asks the dumbest question anyone has asked me tonight. "Hey are you ok walking with that dress?" I gave her a glare and she understood the answer I was sending her through my eyes. 

She sighed and looked around. "What are you looking for?" I asked her. She stooped and looked at me as if it was the most obvious answer of the world. "food, duh" 

How the hell was I supposed to know, I mean she doesn't even need to eat. SHE'S A DEMON!!!! But before I could question her she disappeared. She probably found food and ran off. Leaving me with our approaching aunt. 

Aunt Sallyn, a hypocrite who loves and adores me. Except for the fact that she stared loving me about as long I've been the official heir. She opposed me since birth, saying I wasn't of royal blood and that her daughter should have the official title. 

Of course nobody listen to her, three years old and the girl was a complete brat. Now 15 years later she's still a brat, who takes nothing except boys seriously. 

Aunt Sallyn's fake smile was in front of me, I tried my best not to glare at her. "Oh, honey it's nice to see you all dress up for once. That tacky old suit was an abomination, you should learn a thing or two about you cousin." That was Ironic since she too should learn somethings about her daughter. She's in the guest room with some random guy right now. 

Of course I wasn't going to say it to her face, since it wasn't any of my business. Instead I turned around and walked away. I was going to be the bigger person. 

As I walk away I crash into running 16 year old childhood friend, leo. He look's startled for a moment until he recognized my face. Leo was obviously running away from something or someone, maybe someones. He's always has girls flirting in every party. 

"Why are you running away from the ladies, leo. That's not being a gentleman." I teased. He gave me a glare and replied in a hush voice. "Keep your voice down I don't want them to spot me." I laughed at his nervousness. It was not every day you saw him like that, poor guy.

We started walking together in a peaceful silence, I enjoyed this moments. Leo and I were friends since I can remember, he's only two months older than me. People say we make a good couple but I know I have no time for romance and I'm pretty sure he's in love with someone.

We come close to Sayu, who is talking to a maid. Then she stiffens, and turn around to face me. She shouts to the queen while picking me up, "we are under attack!!". Of course by the queen had already heard it and the shout was to inform.

A couple of seconds passed before I too heard it, people were confused since they didn't hear anything. The guards trusting our judgment began to prepare but not fast enough the creatures had already entered.

They came crashing through the windows but before I could identify them Sayu carried me out of the room. I hated being carried but right now I had no choice if I ran next to her I would be too slow. She needed to be out there to protect the guest.

We arrived the safe room, inside were the maids and some guest. Sayu put me down and lead me to a secret compartment. In case this place was found out I would stay hidden. She closed it and I stayed silent.

Inside I felt like a coward, I knew this was for my own protection but I could at least try to protect my people. I'm stronger than the average man, but still weak for most creatures. I've learned the basics of sword fighting but I don't have time to practice. I'm also not allowed to stain my hands of blood until the time comes, ordered by my God.

At least I knew Sayu would protect the people in the room, I would at least get my chance to protect them in my own way. As the next queen. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2016 ⏰

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