There No More

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Her first magnificent art in poetry that I have ever read! (Literally, cause she's more into majestic drawing)

Check out her book.

Alllll aaaarrrreeeee bootyfuuuuullllll~

Let's Carry On shall we?

:3       ;)       XD      8)        ×_•       ._.



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Remember that time when we were okay?

Remember that time when we would always stay?

Remember that time we believed what  you say?

Remember that time we found out it was fake?

You made us believe,
Hopeless lies and fantasies

You said it was a phase,
But you still went on with your ways

Remember that time when you lied?

Remember that time when she cried?

Remember that time you said we were wrong?

Remember that time you said we were right all along?

You said you were broken
Well, you broke us.

You said you were damaged then
Well, you damaged us.

Remember that time you still came back?

Remember that time you said you know you lack?

Remember that time you said your word?

Remember that time I said no more?

You said you collapsed
I've said we give up.

It started with white lies...

And it ended with cutting ties.

You can't fix something damaged,
By damaging it more.

You set up the stage,
Ruining what was in store.

We asked you to explain.
Yet you lured us into another game.

Don't you ever get tired?
You're playing tire with tire.

I, myself, you have angered.
You want an answer?

I could care less.
I want to slap you no less.

You really want to go back?
Be my guest, I don't give a fuck.

You want to talk?
Fine, but after that I won't be there when you call.

This friendship is done
You want something that's gone.
You want to fix the pieces but there's none

There is nothing left for you to see.
You are nothing but history to me.

If you understand what I mean,
Then I suggest you get up and leave.

If you understand what I mean,Then I suggest you get up and leave

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SOOOOOOOOOOO how was ze poem?

I like it.


Whoever you are...

Hows the format I made?????

Hello..... It's me.....

IDK waht to sa-

Credits to google for pictures aren't mine!


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