Chapter 2

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"Of course I'll go with you. I will always be there for you." she said with a warm smile. It felt good knowing she would always be there for me. I decided to get up and straighten up before i go to the drugstore to collect the pregnancy test. I was going to get two pregnancy test of different brands. I looked in the mirror to see a raccoon. I washed my face and re-applied my make up; and we were ready to go.

We walked because it was only about a block and a half from my house. I wasn't going to have my brother drive me to the drugstore to get a pregnancy test. Addison and I just looked around a bit. We decided that we were going to look around before getting what i needed. We looked at hair die and makeup. Finally we got to the pregnancy tests.... I decided to get three, Because if one was negative and one positive I could not be sure. We went home after that. 

"Are you ready hun?" Addison exclaimed while handing me the bag with the tests. I grabbed the bag and nodded my head. I wasn't really ready. What if I was pregnant? What would people think? How could I tell my parents and my brother? And the worse question of all.....How could I tell Adain? I went into the bathroom. When i was done I told Addison to set the timer around 10 to 15 minutes like it said in the directions. 10-15 minutes seemed like 10 to 15 hours. I was worried sick. Finally the timer dinged. I went into the bathroom slowly.

#1. Negative.

#2. Positive.

#3. Positive.

I started to panic. I didn't know what to do. Where to go. Who to go to. I sat there sobbing into my pillow. 14 and pregnant? That doesn't sound good. Not at all. How could this be happening to me?! Why me? I have only seen ONE girl pregnant in our school. And no one talks to her. All they say is shes a whore, slut, skank, Etc.

"Call him.....Kenz you have to." Addison whispered. I couldn't look at her without crying. Not crying; sobbing.

"I-I-I Cant. I-I Go-gotta abort t-this baby." I sobbed into the pillow. I just couldn't get a grip. Addison's mouth hung wide open. She put her hand to her mouth in shock of what i just said. I never believed in abortions. Its wrong. Killing an innocent babies life? What has it ever done? But I am not ready to be a mother yet. I cant take care of a fish; yet alone a baby!

"Your NOT getting an abortion. ARE YOU FUCKING CRAZY?" She screamed. My brother Came into the room and everyone fell silent.

"Is everything okay in here? There is a lot of yelling." Damion wailed. Addison and I fell silent. A Dead silence. I was shaking. Damion walked over to me and sat down.

"Mackenzie....Whats the problem?" He hissed. He held my shoulders now. Damion was a jock. I didn't want him to find out about me being pregnant. He would kill Adain. I was silent.

"Mackenzie...I'm only going to ask one more time.....Whats the problem?" His eyes were filled with sorrow. I started bawling my eyes out.

"D-Damion....If I C-could tell y-you i would. I just.......Cant." I choked the words out. He frowned and turned to Addison. She just shook her head and said "You don't wanna know." He turned back to me. I felt guilt all over me. I had to tell him. Adain was his best friend....I wouldn't want to ruin that.

"Damion, If I told you.......You would have to promise me two things." I whispered. He looked up at me.

"Okay...What?" I kept blinking to keep the tears from flooding down my face.

"You have to one, don't tell mom and dad until I'm ready, And two, don't kill anyone. Okay?" I pleaded. He got this worried look. I looked over at Addison and she just nodded.

"Okay. I promise. Tell me Kenz." He said. I shut the door and locked it.

"Damion..... I...uh....erm....I'm pregnant." I stuttered. He looked disappointed in me, And it killed me. My brother and I were so close it was crazy....and the fact he was disappointed in me drove me to the edge.

"Mackenzie...Whose the dad?  When did this happen?" He barked.  I sat there thinking. I gave Addison the 'Dont say anything look'. He grabbed me by my shoulders.

"Answer....Now." He demanded. I have never been scared of my brother....but i felt tension.

"Well, remember that party we went to a while ago? Well I got drunk and it just happened. Damion I regret it so much. I'm not ready to be a mom. I can barley take care of myself. I'm sorry." I sobbed.

"Who is the father...." he questioned. I couldn't tell him...I was dead in my tracks. I couldn't just ruin his friendship with his best friend. This will ruin him....

"I just cant tell you that part." I whimpered. He balled his fist. I could feel his anger.

"WHO THE HELL DID THIS TO YOU?" He lashed out with anger. I looked at him....then to Addison.....then to the floor. I didn't want to do this but i had no choice.

"Adain Smith." I whispered.

"ADAIN FUCKING SMITH? YOU HAD SEX WITH ADAIN FUCKING SMITH? MACKENZIE LYNN HOW THE HELL COULD YOU DO THAT? NOW YOUR GONNA HAVE HIS BABY?" He screamed. I started crying uncontrollably. I couldn't help it. Why was he acting like this.

"LOWER YOUR DAMN VOICE, WE DON'T NEED THE WORLD TO KNOW YET!" Addison shrieked. Damion threw the phone at me.  I thought he would be there for me. I was obviously wrong. He walked out of the room and slamed the door. I followed him.

"Where are you going?!?" I sobbed. He walked out the front door, me still following.

"To Adains.....there's gonna be hell to pay for what he did to my baby sister." I had to stop him. He was much stronger then Adain. He would do bad damage. Damion got into his car. I got into the passenger seat and Addison followed us and got into the back.

"No Damion. Please dont do this." I pleaded, but still he didn't answer me or stop. Nothing i could do. We sat there in silence until we pulled into a drive way.

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