Chapter 1

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"Dad, I'm gonna go see Mikio!" Akane, a 14 year old red haired princess, said to her father. Her father had other plans for her but she ran out before he could say anything.
"Where is he?" Akane asked herself.
She searched for Mikio using her beautiful blue eyes for about 10 minutes and couldn't find him.
"MIKIO!" She called out but no reply.
"Oh well.. I'll just head-"
A blonde haired brown eyed 16 year old snuck behind her and put his hands over her eyes.
"G-" Mikio was about to say guess who but ended up being bit by Akane.
"Oops. Sorry.." She apologized.
"THAT HURT! Whatever. You called?"
"I might consider telling you if you remove your hands from my face."
He removes his hands.
"Better?" He asked.
"Yes." She replied.
"Why did you call me?"
"That doesn't concern you."
"Come on Akane!"
"Fine. I just wanted to see you. I was bored."
"Only because you were bored? I'm so hurt."
"You've been spending too much time with Obi haven't you?"
"That doesn't concern you." He mimicked of what she said earlier.
"Oh come on."
He laughed.
"Mikio? Do you want to come with me to the town market?"
"Are you asking me out on a date, princess?"
"N-N-No! I-I just don't want to be there by myself. I- mean there is people who want to sell me for my hair.. And.."
"I know I'm just teasing you. Don't take things too seriously."
"Whatever. Let's go." Akane put on her hoodie.
"If you are gonna cover your hair then why do I need to come?"
She ignored him.

Time skip to when they arrive..
"So what are you buying?" Mikio asked his friend.
"It's something for your father. His birthday is tomorrow, right?" Akane asked Mikio.
"Well.. Yeah but you don't have to spend money. He'll accept anything. Mom told me that your father once bought him ink that glowed in the dark."
"Poor, Mitsuhide-San." Akane giggled.
"At least it wasn't as bad as the gift he gave Obi."
"And may I ask what was that?"
"An old ornament."
"Poor Obi-San. My father must be bad at picking out gifts."
"I'm just gonna choose something for Mitsuhide-San."
Akane looked at all the options.
"Nothing. Catches my eye." The girl sighed.
"How about we head to the city of Joka?" The boy asked.
"That isn't a bad idea."
"Of course it isn't I thought of it."
"Yes an idiot thought of it."
"I'm so hurt."
"Shut up. And start walking."
"You lead and I follow."
Another time skip...
"Which shop should we head in?"
"I don't know you're the one buying a gift."
"And you're the one who suggested going to Joka."
"Follow me Princess pain in the ass."
"Repeat that again and I'm gonna slap you."
"You already bit me isn't that enough?"
"No you lead and I follow."
Mikio stopped in front of shop and opened the door.
"Ladies first."
"Stop trying to be a gentleman. You're never going to be one."
"Fine you open the door yourself."
He walks inside and slams the door in her face.
Mikio's Pov
"It's been 5 minutes. Is she upset with me?" I walked outside only to see she wasn't there.
Maybe she walked home? No this doesn't seem like her.
"Akane!" I called out for her no reply.
"Damn it." My parents and the prince would kill me.
Where is she? Is she okay?
"Damn it!"
I ran to Clarines. When I arrived I just ran inside the prince's office without even knocking.
"Mikio-San? What's wrong?" Shirayuki asked concern.
"It's Akane.."
The prince entered the room.
"What do you mean what happened to her?" He asked.
"I don't know! I only took my eyes off her for 5 minutes. I'm sorry." I answered.
"Where did you last see her?"
"The city of Joka."
My parents entered the room.
"What's going on, Zen?" My dad asked the prince.
"Mitsuhide, Kiki. Get your horses we are heading for Joka." Zen commanded.
They left just leaving me and Shirayuki alone.
"I'm really sorry!" I apologized.
"It's okay. It wasn't your fault."
"But it was.. If I didn't go inside without her she would have been safe."
"It's okay. Knowing her she would be okay. She's strong."
"I still apologize."
"Don't worry about it. Well I need to head back to work."
She left and I got a horse and was about to head for Joka but that is when Obi saw me.
"Hello, little master." He said.
"I told you stop calling me that. I'm not related to Prince Zen."
"Not by blood but someday you will by marriage." Obi teased.
"Akane would never share the  feelings I have for her. So it's not going to happen. But now is not the time. I need to head for Joka."
"I'll accompany you." He said.
"Hurry up then. We don't have much time." I told him.
We left. Less than a half hour later we arrived. Obi walked towards the prince.
"What's up master?" He asked.
"Still searching for Akane."
"It's been a while since I last saw her. We may have to ask people if they seen her." I said.
The prince nodded.
"Kiki, Mitsuhide, go ask every person you see if they have seen Akane." Zen said and my parents nodded and left.
"Obi. You head to the next town and search for her there."
"Yes, Master." Obi said and left.
"What about me?" I asked.
"We'll keep searching." He answered.
Many hours of searching later..
My mother came back.
"Zen. Someone said they spotted a red haired girl and a tall man."
"They said the man was taking her towards Tanburan." She answered.
"Thanks, Kiki."
"Sooo Obi was heading the right direction?" I asked.
"Apparently but he still has to go further down." Zen answered.
"Okay." I said.
"Let's go." Zen said.
"What about dad?" I asked.
"He'll be fine on his own. Maybe."
My mom replied.
"That doesn't sound very convincing." I added.
We left for Tanburan.
Along the way.
"Master, any luck?" Obi asked.
"She may be in Tanburan." My mom said.
"Should I go to Tanburan?" He asked.
"Head back to Joka. Find Mitsuhide before he worries like usual." Zen said.
"Yes master."
He left and we went to Tanburan.
Once we arrived my mom said she was gonna search towards the castle and left. The prince and I decided to search separate ways. It took 45 minutes until I spotted Akane. She was indeed with a tall man and the guy possessed a weapon. It wasn't pointed at her but I didn't take the risk to wait to see what would happen. I ran towards her.
"Akane!" I called out.
"Don't say anything or I would withdraw this sword." He whispered to her. But for some odd reason I heard it. I walked towards them unarmed.
"Are you crazy!" Akane yelled.
I didn't reply I just walked towards the tall man.
"You wouldn't even dare to even let a finger of yours touch her."
"Watch me!"
I walked even closer to him.
He withdrew his sword and pointed it at me.
"If you come any closer I'd hurt you." He said.
"Try me." I said and walked even closer.
He attempted to stab me with the sword. I kicked the sword making it fall on the ground.
"Where did you learn to do that?" Akane asked.
"Obi." I answered.
The tall man ran towards the sword which was behind Akane. Akane grabbed the sword and ran behind me.
"I thank you." She said.
"Don't thank me until this guy gets taken care of. Akane?"
"Run. Go find your father. Or head to Joka go find Obi and my father and come back immediately. Take the sword with you. I don't know how to fight with it."
"Are you going to be alright?" She asked.
I nodded.
"I promise but please hurry."
"I will. And you better keep that promise." She left.
Akane's Pov
I ran faster than I ever did before it was hard because the sword put on some weight.
"DAD!" I called out.
"DAD!" I called out again. I kept on calling him as I headed towards Joka. That's when I bumped into Mitsuhide and Obi.
"Akane! Are you alright?  And Where is Zen? And where is my son?" Mitsuhide asked.
"I'm fine, but please follow me and hurry."
"What's wrong? And what's with the sword?" Obi asked.
I didn't answer and I started to lead them to where Mikio is.
"Wait. We'll go but hand me the sword first. It looks heavy." Mitsuhide said. I gave him the sword and went back to running towards Mikio.
Zen's Pov
"She isn't here. I'm gonna head towards where Mikio headed. She's more likely there."
Mikio's Pov
Where is she? She needs to hurry. I can't take this much longer. I was covered in sweat. There wasn't any injuries on me except my nose which was bleeding because the guy had punched me earlier. However I caused more damage to him than he had done to me. I hadn't planned on hurting him as much as I did but if I continued to  not fight back it would lead to my death. I couldn't allow that. I promised her. I promised I would be fine when she came back. And there is no way I would break that promise. "I can't die. Not yet." I said out loud as I walked towards my opponent who was just sitting by a tree.
"Have you given up?" I asked him.
He nodded.
"Why?" I asked him as I let my guard down.
And that's when he grabbed his backup weapon.
"I gave up on capturing the girl. But I haven't given up on ending you." He gave me a dark smile.
"I'm sorry, Akane.. For breaking my promise.." I said as the guy aimed the blade towards my heart.
I closed my eyes thinking I would die but Obi had already knocked the guy out.
Akane ran towards me with tears in her eyes.
"Mikio.." She called my name in tears.
I hugged her.
"I'm sorry.. I'm really sorry! I'm sorry.. I'm sorry.." I kept on apologizing.
She kissed me.
I blushed.
"Sooooooo. What exactly happened?" Obi asked purposely ruining the moment.
"Fuck yourself, Obi." I said.
He laughed.
"I'm sorry, little master. I'm just really curious." He apologized.
"I'm not answering to a suspicious guy like you." Akane said.
"Oh come on little miss! Tell Uncle Obi."
"WE ARE NOT RELATED!" Zen yelled.
Obi laughed.
"Master brother. How may I help you?" Obi teased Zen.
"Obi you are having too much fun." My mom said.
"Hello Lady Kiki. You look really beautiful today." Obi said.
"Don't flirt with my wife, you jerk." My dad said.
"You guys are being so mean. I feel pathetic. Poor me I'm hurt." Obi pretends to sob.
Akane looks at me.
"You indeed spend too much time with Obi."
"Haha.. I guess."
"Daddddd!" Akane whined.
"Yes?" The prince asked.
"I'm tired! Take me to bed."
"You lazy ass." Zen laughed and picked up his daughter and brought her home. 
"Ummm. So what is Akane's and my relationship now?" I asked myself outloud.
"You're married, right?" Obi asked teasing.
"I'm tired with putting up with you, jerk!" I said and ran after him.
My parents just laughed.
"Get home before midnight." My mom said and started to head home with my dad.
"Don't get hurt!" My dad said as he left.
"Okay! See you later!" I waved.
"Soo, little master. What should I do with this dead body?" Obi asked.
"He's not even dead!"
"Oh? I didn't do well then."
"Don't kill him you bastard!"
"Then what should I do?"
"I don't know. Arrest him?"
"Good idea, little master."
"Stop calling me little master!"
"Then just master?"
"Continue calling the prince that!"
"Hmm.. Prince?"
"I'm not a prince!"
"Not yet.."
"STOP IT! SHE WONT MARRY ME! She would never Li-"
"She kissed you. She lovessssss you."
"Seriously get a life. You're freakin 40."
"Was that my age? I forgot."
"You old man."
"I'm not old!"
"You never even had a girlfriend! And you're 40!"
"You never had a girlfriend either."
"But I'm not 40!"
"I'll find someone. I loved someone else for a long time but she is now married.." Obi smiled.
"I'm sorry.."
"It's fine.. I moved on. She is happy. And I'm glad."
"Who did you love?"
"You sounded like master. Little Master."
"Does Zen know about this?"
"Yes. I told him a while back."
"Did he say anything?"
"I changed the subject fast. So no."
"Stop asking so much questions. I'm over it. I had no chance with Shirayuki."
I knew he was serious because he never calls Shirayuki by her real name.
"What time is it?"
"Still 11:30." Obi answered.
"I'm gonna head home early."
"Wait. Are you curious of what happened before you were born? I'll show you around everywhere."
"I'm curious but I only have a half an hour."
"Haha. Don't worry about it." Obi got a piece of paper out of his pocket and a pen and wrote a letter to my parents.
"So. First things first."
He said as he led me into a ballroom.
"Both your parents attended this. But they met outside. About..."
He stood in the same spot where Mitsuhide had stood when he first met Kiki.
"Both your parents didn't like balls."
"I know they still don't."
"Moving on."
He led me to where Obi and the prince trains.
"Your father mistaken Miss Kiki for a man here."
"Jeez dad ."
Obi laughed.
"Wait! How do you know this? You haven't met Zen yet."
"Master told me." He answered.
"Well moving on master and mistress time."
"Go on your horse."
"Okay?" I sat on my horse and he sat on his own and he led the way to a forest.
"Why are we here?"
"Master and Mistress met here."
Obi opened the door to the house there.
"Master was poisoned here."
"Yeah, you know Prince Raji?"
"Raji poisoned Zen thinking Shirayuki would be the one to eat the apple."
"Idiotic prince."
"I KNOW RIGHT? But he changed so don't worry."
"Do you want to go to where your mother used to live?"
"If it's grandpa's house. No thanks."
"Good because that guy hates my guts."
"I changed my mind-"
"Too bad!"
"Now where are we going?"
"Back to clarines it's late."
"No fun!"
"Get some sleep little master."
"Whatever. I'll go on ahead."
I rode my horse home and put him away.
"Hello little master."
"Damn you."
He laughed and left to go to bed.
I headed home myself.
"Did you have fun?" My dad asked me.
"I can't believe you thought mom was a guy. Does that make you gay?"
"Whatever dad. Good night."
I went to my bedroom and fell asleep.


//Worst ending ever XDD//

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