At The Store

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      Mark's POV.
"Haha" I start to laugh at my dumbness. Wade laughs along with me while bob looks over at us and shakes his head ever so slightly.
    We were in the store doing stupid stuff because that's what we do when we're bored.
     Wade's and my laughter dies down and we return to buying a bunch of unnecessary stuff we don't need.
       "Okay, so guys Molly  has been texting me non stop" wade says happily.
    "I think I might actually have a chance with a girl for once in my life" Wade's big dumb smile grows.
     I clap for him and smile.
"Hey uh, guys when is our social studies project due" I hear Bob ask from a couple aisles over.
     "Next week I think" I reply.
    While Bob was doing whatever he was doing, wade went to go find video games and I went to look for movies. While I was walking to the movie aisle, I heard a familiar laugh.  I put down
'Freddy V.S Jason' DVD and looked up to see..........
Avery. She was with an older lady. They looked a lot like each other. I assumed it was her mother. She said she was an only child and her mom was coming back so, yeah.
She was wearing a black laced dress. It looked very gorgeous on her. She had her arms folded and looked very.....
Not angry but slightly irritated at her mom.
She then smiled and her face turned a bright red as she started to spin around showing off the beautiful dress.
She looked very pretty.

"Mark!" I heard wade yell then bob's classic laugh follow.
I rushed over to find them and saw a can of beans busted open on the ground in front of Bob ,who was laughing and wade, who was cleaning it up.
"Really, guys really?" I slowly approach the scene and help wade clean it up.

Time passes by and now we're all paying for our crap.
In the store we're in, it has a built in mini sub way deli thing across from the registers.
I didn't know that they were at the register after us, until I saw them walk over to the deli.

As Bob and Wade were checking out I watched Avery and her mom over at the sub way sitting at a table. She's so pretty. Her mom got ketchup on her finger and she wiped it on Avery leaving a dot of red on the tip of her nose. She laughed and wiped it off back onto her mom. I grinned at her laugh and smile.
     "Mark" I heard Bob say as he walked up behind me putting his hand in my shoulder and following my eyes to see what I was looking at.
     "Whatcha looking at?"
I shook my head and turned around to help Wade load stuff into the cart. Then Bob gasped.
     "What?" Wade asked.
Bob's face was bright pink and I knew exactly what it was and what he knew.
    "You know for Mark's sake, I won't say anything. But Mark you will talk to me about this" he laughed. I rolled my eyes and we headed out of the store.

And just as Bob said earlier, we ended up talking about Avery.
I sat down in my living room and turned on the tv only to have the remote snatched out of my hand by Bob who turned it back off and sat down next to me on the couch with the biggest smirk.
"Her names Avery" I sighed. He smiled even more.
"When we were at the BL&N. Remember when you and Wade went to go find Molly, well a little after you guys left she bumped into me and we danced a little" I said.
"Tell me about her"
I don't know what to say to this question. I feel like everything she told me was personal information she wouldn't want any one else to know. That she didn't really say much of anything.
"She's had it hard in life" I mumble sipping my Mountain Dew.
His face turned from excited and anxious to confused and worried.
"What do you mean?" He asked.
"Listen I probably shouldn't tell you about the things that we talked about so how about I tell you about the obvious stuff" I say.
He nods.
"Well, she's beautiful, funny, she goes to the Kings Berry Public school, her moms in the military and her dad-
I stopped.
"Her dad what?" He asked.
"He's not there much" I murmur.
"Okay. Do u plan on seeing her any time soon?"
"Actually we've planned to go to the park Monday" I say smiling. He returns my smile and nods.
Wade walks in with the play station 3 and hooks it up.
"I grabbed Grand Theft Auto" he said.
So we played GTA for a little while until they had to go home. I can't believe today's only Saturday.
     Just 2 more days and I get to see her again.
    I cleaned up the house and then went to bed with nothing except her on my mind.

Avery POV.

My mom unlocked the door with her one free hand and we went inside. My arms ache from carrying all the bags in and I'm sure her arms felt the same. It's probably around 10:00 p.m
"Mom, that was awesome" I say plopping down in the couch. She sits down next to me and laughs
"When do you have to go back?" I ask.
"This Tuesday at 3:00 a.m"
I frown and nod. She notices and says "Oh come on, Hun. It'll just give you something to look forward to. And next time I come back we're going to all kinds of different places"
I smile and look down at the table.
She turns to face me and tucks my slanted side bangs behind my ear.
"Your such a beautiful girl. I hope you know that and that you remember that"
"Thanks mom. I love you" I hug her and she hugs back.
"Now" she says slapping her knees and getting up off the couch. "I'm going to go make us some chili"
I giggle. She makes the best chili. Did I mention that my moms the best cook ever.
"Ok. I'll go put this stuff in my room and do whatever, I guess" I say getting up, grabbing my bags and going into my room.

     For some reason, I started to think of Mark.
   I'm so excited to see him. I hope I look pretty and that he likes me just as much as I like him. I looked over at the bags on the ground. I guess it would be okay to try on a couple things and see what they look like.
So that's exactly what I did and I fell in love with this one.

I thinks cute

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I thinks cute. So this is what I'm wearing to school Monday.
School. I absolutely hate my school. I want to go to Pine Wood with Kelly, Masháe and Mark. I wander if I could some how transfer. But Private school costs so much money. 
   But, it gives me and idea.
I grabbed my notebook and started writing.
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I stopped there.
I don't know what else to do, so I guess I'll just let things process.
    I ran out of my room go find my mom. 
    "hey mom, uhm how old were you when you got your first job?"
   "about your age why" she says focusing on cooking the chili.
    "because I want to go to that "Pine Wood" private school and we can't afford it so I was going to maybe help pay for it" I tell her hiding my notebook behind my back.

"Uhm, well. A job is very a big responsibility, Hun" she says stirring the chili.

"I know, and I think I can handle it. It's just going to be something simple" I say.

She takes the spoon out of the pot, blows on it then tries it.

"How does it taste?" I ask.

She nods and says "A bit too spicy but its good"

I nod. "I'll help you look for a simple one tomarrow after school" she says.

"I might come home a little later if that's okay" I say blushing.

"That's fine, as long as I know why" She says putting the spoon on the counter and turning to me with one hand on her hip.

She looks at me and notices my blush. She smirks.

"I'm meeting a friend at the park" I say.

She nods. "Yea okay"
  I laugh ,hug her and go up to my room. Getting on my laptop I typed in the website
      I stayed on there until 3:00 a.m with a bowl of chili before going to sleep.

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