Short Story 1: Return(1)

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 I can feel my life draining out of me slowly, my blood splattered around the pavement. I only have seconds left to recall what brought me to this moment when everything goes black.
  A small red tinted light is all I see as I look ahead and close my eyes. I must be dead.
"Greetings, prisoner 273,210. You have served your sentence. You are now free to go,"
I arubtly open my eyes and direct my attention twards the voice that has just spoken to me.
I immediately notice the tall muscular man sitting next to me, his eyes tell that he is obviously bored.
I open my mouth to say somthing- anything, but nothing comes out. The tall man leads me over to a door- painted purple and white. "Go inside this door, I promise everything will become clear in a moment." He says in a bored tone as he goes back to sit down in his chair, perhaps waiting for another person.
I place my hand gently on the door knob, a million questions still racing through my head. I grab the knob tighter and open the door. Nothing is behind this door- nothing but white light.
Still curious, though, I step inside.
Right away the wind is almost knocked out of me by a force- one that is not even a physical thing. As I recover from the blow I notice I have new memories, ones that must have been taken from me.
The memories are so familiar, like these are my real life experiences, but that's not possible, right?
I lift my head to look around, to see way more than the white light than I saw before- a civilization. One that still seemed like I've seem it before.
I start walking twards the city, somehow knowing where to go. I pass many houses, but a stop at one house that I decide looks like something I should go in.
I step inside.A woman and a child stand in the middle of the room. The woman looks over at me as and her eyes widen.
She runs over to me and jumps on me giving me a hug. "I can't believe you are back! It's been 18 years! I've waited for yoy every single day for 18 years! Oh my, I missed you!"the woman says.
But of all the things that I recognize, this woman isn't somthing I remember.
"Who are you?" I say.
A look of guilt crosses my face. She looks so happy to see me yet I don't know who she is.
She looks at me puzzled. "You don't remember me?"
I scan my memory a second time- nothing. No memories of this mysterious woman.
I shake my head, no.
"I-" she stammers "I'm your sister," She looks at me with big eyes, obviously on the verge of tears.
Another vein of new memories slap me.
My sister- Kayla. The one who would comfort me during thunderstorms and listen to my idiotic problems.
I suddenly feel a wave of emotions flow over me- joy.
"Big sis," my voice becomes scratchy and my eyes tear up. I look up into her face.
"Oh, I missed you so much! After yoy got send to Earth prison, I didn't think I could stand being without you, but everyday I remembered that one day you would be back, and that one day we could be together again," She says overjoyed.
I smile and laugh. "What did I do to get sent to prison anyways?" I say with a questioning look.
Immediately her smile disappears and she walks twards the child that was with her.
"This is Em, my daughter." She says as she lifted up the young child.
"I didn't know you had a daughter," I say suddenly intrigued by this young child.
She looks to her side."Well, a lot happens in 18 years," She says.
I look over the small child. Blue eyes, just like Kayla. Wow, they look so similar.
"Well, either way, you need to get a job unless you want to be living on the streets. I sure as hell can't support you, me and my child." Kayla says, with a playful look on her face.
"Okay, I'll start looking I suppose," I say and step out of the door.
I relize I have no idea where to find this new job but I start walking down the street, anyways, twards the larger buildings.
All the buildings are grey or black colored. This is why one building, painted crimson catches my attention.
The sign on the bright red building says
This concludes part 1
I'm working on part 2
Please exuse any writing mistakes

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