Short story 1- Return(2)

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I enter the crimson colored building, and the first thing I notice is the giant Swan fountain in the center of the room. The swan has human muscles. Right next to the fountain is a desk, with a woman behind it reading some papers.
I past the giant fountain, going twards the desk. I stand in front of the desk.
"What can I help you with?" She asks without looking up.
"I'd like a job," I say. I stand up straight, and act decently civilized.
She looks up. The first thing I notice is her stark blue eyes. She gives a feline smile.
"Oh, sure," She gets out of her chair. "Follow me, miss,"
She leads me into a hallway, and we finally stop in front of a red door, the same color as the building. She signals for me to stand in front of the door. I obey, seeing no reason to not follow her silent order.
"This is your trial, fail, and you are jobless. Here, at least." She says.
She then pushes me into the door roughly, the door opened with ease at me being pushed into it.
On the other side of the door is nothing, but as soon as I pass the threshold, I'm falling. Falling from the sky.
Fear, uncertainty, maybe even betrayal is what I feel as I am falling into what seems to look like a city, and I'm right above the side walk.
I hit the ground with violence but feel no pain.
People surround me.
What am I walking into?
What kind of job is this?
We will figure that out later! For now, get your bearings!
I start with what I have.
I reach around my waist, oh, okay that's new. A piece of rolled up paper lays under my belt loop.
I remove the paper and unroll it.
It says:
Persons to eliminate will be clearly marked by a purple and orange flag on a subjects forehead. The person to eliminate will not know they have this marking on their person and it will seem invisible to them.
For your trial, please eliminate the following:
Cecily Skinner
You have by tomarrow morning to eliminate this subject, or you fail this test.
I look up from the paper.
I don't understand.
Before I could finish this thought, I caught the view of a person. Long brown hair, green eyes, purple and orange flag on forehead.
That must be her... the one I have to eliminate.
I notice a bag over my shoulder with a long strap. I undo the zipper to find many things.
One pistol, three bullets,
An assortment of throwing knives,
And a silencer for that pistol.
I was sent here...
This job is to...
Murder people...

A mixture of shock and thrill roll over me.
Isn't this wrong?
Whatever, let's just see where this leads me.
With rapid footsteps, I start following the girl that will be dead by tommarow morning.

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