A/N: Where have I been?

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(Song was on while on Pandora)

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(Song was on while on Pandora)

Hey wolves, Alpha_Jay here and yes, I'm still alive. Some issues came up to where its really difficult for me to even update. Shit, I'm even behind on reading the stories I have in my library.

So here's the shit that's happened.

1) MY PHONE DOESN'T WORK!!! /.\ I've been phoneless for the past week and I still haven't gone to fix it.... Laziness is part of the reason. Other reason... Money issues. :P

2) College has me stressed the fuck out. From working on speeches to working on perfecting to speak Japanese (yes, I'm taking a Japanese course, don't judge... You filthy fuckin wankers.... If you get that, Senpai has noticed you cx)


3) I'm going through this phase where I don't know if I'm straight, lesbian or bi. You wolves remember that I "broke up" with my ex right? Well, good news is that I don't see his fugly face at school anymore (idk which is weird since he kinda stalks me-ish). But now, I don't even know what I like. Like I mean I've had my lesbian moments here and there just to mess around and shit, but now... It's like... Hey, you're attractive and very beautiful and if you were lesbian, I'd go lesbian for you. No hate, I support the LGBTQ+ Community 100% all the way. Shit, I have family that came out of the closet and I'm here, confused out of my fuckin mind -.-

Anyways, but yeah. Oh! I know you're wondering how I updated this shit, so let me answer you in a song...

*clears throat*



Yeah, but my internet tends to lag so that's another reason why I haven't updated. Anyways, thank you for all the support you have given this story. You wolves are awesome and you wolves should feel awesome. Remember, the OC contest is still going on, so submit if you wanna be Jay's long-lost best friend. Remember to make YOUR OC'S background tie up to Jay's. Be creative with it. Thank you wolves for being patient with me, but until then, I will see you all in the next chapter.


Word count: 353

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