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Hey wolves, Alpha_Jay here and I'm gonna give you wolves a bit of a preview for the upcoming chapter.


*Dave's POV
Its been 2 days since Jay told us her secret and I'm still shocked that she's a wolf. It's been a little weird around her though. Just yesterday, she had flipped out and went wild when she saw Joe cooking up steak for everyone. It's like she was a whole other person, well, animal in this case.

Anyways, we finally made it to the venue here in Utah and let me tell you something... It's fucking cold!! It's like 50 something degrees here every day and too cold to even get out of bed. Jay, on the other hand, isn't even affected by it; she'll be awake, walking around in shorts and a t-shirt while all of us here are in long pjs and thermals.

Then again, she is a wolf. I thought. Anyways, today has been rather unusual. Unusual, as in Jay won't stop whining and complaining. "But, but, I don't wanna go. Can't I just stay here in the bus while you guys perform?" She whined.

"No, Jay. We want you backstage or onstage where we can keep an eye on you. Do you want someone to take you away and experiment on you? You know you've gone viral because of your wolf form and I'm pretty damn sure people are out there to get you. We want to keep you safe and in our sights at all times." Mike said as he picked her up over his shoulder and walked towards the bunk area.


So there you have it wolves. Tell me what you think is gonna happen in this chapter with this as your only clue. I wanna see what you wolves have in mind.

Anyways... I GOT MY PHONE FIXED!!! :D I went over the weekend to get it fixed, with the help of my brother; he the real MVP. Lol, so look forward to quicker (sorta) updates.

As always, thank you all so much for all the support you have given this story. You wolves are awesome and you wolves should feel awesome. Remember, the OC contest is still going on, so hurry and submit in your entry. But until then, I will see you all in the next chapter.

Word count: 392

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