Like the dirt you walk on

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Am I nothing to you darling
I thought you were my light in my dark world
But now I see, I was wrong
You treat me like dirt
You laugh at me when I attempt to sing
You shake me to my core
Your criminal acts are nothing to the
Knives you let roll off your tongue
You treat me worse
Than the dirt beneath your feet
The dirt is gold to you
I'm just an annoying pest
You squish my hopes and dreams
Like a game you hate you throw me away
You are now in the lookout for another game
The pain you give others is worse than poison
You strike in the heart slowly injecting your poison
You sit back and watch them die inside
They will do anything to keep you
Your poison laced with something sweet like honey
They come back for more and can't get enough
Then they become the dirt you walk on and you start all over again

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