1 ~ "The Sky Dumbass"

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The School of Hooligans and the King

Student Profile:

Name: Amalia L. Smith

Age: 16

Sex: F

DOB: June 26, 1995

Hair: Brown

Eyes: Green

Activities at School: N/A

Classes Student Takes (Choice): Literature 11, Chemistry 11, Trigonometry 11, French 11, Asian History 11

Classes Student Takes (Required): Physical Education, Home Economics 11

As I walk through the doors of my high school, I can hear the annoying chatter of my classmates. The girls are all so giggly and happy and the guys think they're the shit. It's all so annoying.

Walking towards my locker, I see my two best friends talking.

"Hali! Lou!" I call out to them. They turn their heads and immediately smile when they see me.

"What's up Amalia?" they say at the same time.

"Nothing much guys, just annoyed at the ridiculous people in this school," I reply back.

Hali and Lou are twins and we've all been friends since third grade (when I transferred from my old town to here). They like to talk at the same time.

"Well, we should walk to class," I say to them and then make our way to our first class of the day.

Student Profile:

Name: Hali L. Conley

Age: 16

Sex: F

DOB: April 23, 1995

Hair: Blond

Eyes: Brown

Activities at School: Tennis Club, History-Tech Club

Classes Student Takes (Choice): Literature 11, Geology 11, Calculus 11, Spanish 11, U.S. History 11

Classes Student Takes (Required): Physical Education, Home Economics 11

My first class of the day is Literature. Luckily, I have this class with Hali and Lou. As we walk into the literature room we see a glob of five high school kids in the back of the classroom making a lot of noise.

"Oh, great. They're being loud and annoying again!" exclaimed Hali and Lou.

I shake my head and we make our way to our seats in the middle of the classroom. The glob of kids in the back are known as the Kingdom. I'm not sure why they call themselves that though. To be honest I think the name is quite stupid.

First in the kingdom is Kenzie Davenport. She's quirky, and always looking for gossip. She has the role of the princess at this school, as she also acts like a child.

Next we have Malcolm "Mal" Rodgers. He's the captain of the baseball team and likes to pick on the little freshman kids, which in my opinion is not cool. He has the role of the prince at this school, because he can get away with pretty much anything.

Then we have Kyan Sutton. He's loyal to his friends, but devious to anyone else. He's on the soccer team. He has the role of the knight, because he is loyal and he follows the orders of his ruler (which is the King, but we'll get to him in a few).

After Kyan, there's Lyric Ward. I have many words to describe this girl but I will say only three. Lousy fucking bitch. She's the resident diva of this school and has an obvious crush on the King. She has the role of the queen because she has a lot of power against the weaker people of the school.

Lastly we have the King. His name is Dane Krueger and he's this school's resident asshole. I honestly don't understand why people like him so much. Sure, he's attractive but he's still mean to us weaklings at the bottom. Especially me.

You see, we have quite the, well, relationship. Ever since I transferred to this town in 3rd grade, he's been teasing me and playing jokes/pranks on me. Then in 6th grade puberty hit him, and he started chasing after girls. The girls fell for his stupid charms. Only a very small portion of the girls in our grade (including myself and the twins), did not have some sort of attraction to him. Though I have to admit, he has looks.

The twins and I sit in our seats, waiting for our class to begin. Suddenly, our teacher Ms. Windsor enters the classroom, with a bright sunny smile to her face. Literature is actually one of my favorite classes because we get to talk about stories and read stories and create stories. I've always wanted to be an author when I become an adult, so this class allows me to express my passion.

"Good morning class!" exclaims Ms. Windsor. "How are all of you today?"

Most of us reply with a simple "good", but there are five voices that say "hella freakin good".

Annoying classmates ...

Ms. Windsor starts to take roll call, when I notice a small piece of crumpled up paper lands on my desk. I look around to see who threw the paper. Nobody around me seems to give me any signs that they threw the paper. I open it up to see a message from someone who's first name begins with "D".

Hey baby, what's up? ;) - D

I realize who it is and immediately frown. Dane. I send him a message back.

The sky dumbass.

I smirk as he seems flustered by my comment. Ha, take that.

Student Profile:

Name: Lou H. Conley

Age: 16

Sex: F

DOB: April 23, 1995

Hair: Blond

Eyes: Brown

Activities at School: Student Council, Drama Club

Classes Student Takes (Choice): Literature 11, Algebra 11, Biology 11, Mandarin 11, Ancient Civilizations 11

Classes Student Takes (Required): Physical Education, Home Economics 11

It's finally time for lunch! As soon as the bell rings, I run out of trigonometry and into the halls of the school. I head to my locker to put my things away. I'm about to close my locker when I see something very interesting across the hall.


It's Dane's stupid fan club. The club is made up of all these fake girls trying to score some Dane action for themselves. Honestly, I think they are just wasting their time. Weird girls ...

Suddenly, my stomach starts grumbling. I sigh and start walking to the cafeteria.

When I open the cafeteria's double doors I see a circle of people surrounding someone. As I approach the circle, I can see the person in question is a little freshman girl. It looks like the people around her are trying to hurt her.

I've gotta step in.

Cliffhanger! What will Amalia do! Find out soon!

With much love,


The School of Hooligans and the KingOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora