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There rushed in Jack.
He should have been the hero of this story,right?
But nothing could save Alex. It felt like he had been sent to hell-wait,no.
He was /in/ hell.
A low voice hissed remarks at him.
'Remember your brother? He hated you. You don't belong here.'
Now,Alex could deal with things like that..but it could only go downhill from there. The voices got louder and louder.
'You cunt,you don't do anything for others..you don't deserve what you have! You're such a heartless bastard! You should have died instead of your brother!' That is when Alex lost it.
His body began shaking violently,his muscles knotting under the skin.
The voices began screaming and hissing at him in a high pitched voice.
His knees were pulled up even father to his chest. The boy sat shaking,ready to obey the every command of the voices.

Jack's mind began racing.
What was going on with his friend?!
"Alex?!" His panicked voice cried out,terrified by his friend.
Alex didn't move,didn't do anything. He couldn't;the voices were too powerful.
Jack,in his panic,did the only thing he could do-wait and try to talk to Alex.
His words were gentle and reassuring,saying things such as,"Shh..it'll be okay.." "This is just an anxiety attack.." Everyone knew Alex had anxiety,but nobody knew about the schizophrenia..

Alex's mind was twisting and twirling,his thoughts like a hurricane.
But one voice pulled through-Jack's.
Jack was his connection to the world..if he ever lost Jack,like his brother,he'd isolate himself.
He'd be /completely/ lost.
Jack's voice was loud,louder than the low voice screeching at Alex.
The two seemed to be having a war for control-but Jack's pulled through.
Now,that voice that was screaming at Alex never really did go away. It just was at the back of his conscience where he could ignore it until it came out to play.

Alex sat shaking,still in too much shock to speak. It'd take him a moment to recover his thoughts
"Alex,what happened?!" Jack's panicked voice sobbed.

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