Nightmares Can Come True.

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Alex figured the deal that he had made with Jack was going well.
One week without an attack.
Until that one faithful night.
Alex and Jack were hanging out,more or less writing songs.
Alex grinned,playing an Em chord on his beat-up electric guitar. And there was a clash-a loud one at that.
The sound of two cars crashing.
And that sent Alex hurtling backwards into his memories. Memories of his brother..
And this time,he /swore/ the voice was his brother.
He was reduced to a shaking mass on the floor,and each breath was strained. It sounded like it hurt Alex to breathe,like each breath was causing him agony.
Jack's panicked voice began whispering the same reassurances he did to Alex the first time,hoping it would help.
And,well,it did. As I've mentioned before,Jack was Alex's only connection the the world..
But this time? Jack called the therapist's office,despite Alex's protests.
They had an appointment scheduled for the next day,and when Alex went to sleep that night,it haunted his dreams.
~the next day. location: therapist's office,10:45 AM~
There Alex sat on a love seat. Just a couch,but more compressed.
A tall lady with a bright smile came in and sat down,"Hello Alex. I'm Doctor Solus,what a pleasure to meet you."
"No,it's my pleasure ma'am." Alex's words were quiet in this unfamiliar place.
The only sound was the sound of Dr. Solus' laptop keys clicking for a moment,then she spoke.
"So Alex,we have your records on your other mental disorders;how have they been doing?"
"Terrible. I can't think anymore. Everything is terrifying,and I just want to die."
"Well,we also hear you've been exhibiting symptoms of schizophrenia. Please explain."
Alex described the scene that opened this story;the deep,dark abyss that was his mind.
The therapist thought for a moment,then got up,stating that she'd be back in a moment.
Fifteen minutes later,she came back in.
"Well,Mr. Gaskarth..we have some bad news."
"You're a danger to yourself. We'll have to put in you an asylum."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 11, 2013 ⏰

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