LWTG - Chapter 10(Picture of Ellie)

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Sorry I didn't post for a few days, I had an incident in gym because of stupid idiot girls. I got pushed backwards and hit my head on the concrete wall. Ouch. I had to go get it checked out, but appearantly I'm fine. Minor concussion -- no biggy. Anyway, on with the story. :)

Chapter 10

"Excuse me?" I heard a female voice say behind me as I twirled the straw in my smoothie around. I twisted in the hard food-court chairs and saw a girl -- maybe a little older than be with bleach blonde hair staring at me with a small smile. I forced a smile and looked at her.

"Yes?" I asked, as I brought the straw in the cup to my lips and sucked, resulting in a burst of cool, strawberry flavored slushie to fill my mouth.

"I was wondering if you knew what time the One Direction concert was playing tonight -- seeing as almost all these girls in the mall are going." She said, giving me a small smile and tilting her head to the left side.

I nodded, "Yea. It starts at 8pm. It usually ends at 12 or so." I said, matter - o - factly.

"Oh? So you've been to one of their concerts before?" She asked, raising an eyebrow at me; her thick british accent flooding my hearing. I shugged.

"You could say that." I said, finished my smoothie off and standing up.

"The name's Ellie." She said, holding out a hand, and I shook it with my smoothie free hand and nodded.

"Maybe I'll see you at the concert?" I suggested and she simply nodded as I started to walk off to a garbage can near where I was sitting, then walked off to a few simple stores to check out the clothes.


I walked over to the Royal Centre next to the mall that I had just been in, assuming Brooke had already made her way to the arena to watch Harry practice. I looked both ways before crossing from the front enterance doors, to the parking lot.

As soon as I was about 10 feet from the enterance to the Royal Centre, a group of girls came rushing over with ton's of signs saying "I love 1D" or "I love" and then their favorite band member. I sighed, shaking my head and walked towards the back of the Royal Centre, hoping for a back enterance -- and to my luck there were at least five guards standing their in their black t-shirts and their casual blue jeans, looking off towards the horizon. There was no way I was getting in now.

I frowned a little, and went over to the parkway and sat on the curb that faced the Royal Centre enterance, staring at the door, waiting for the guys to come out. You know, if I had never accepted to live with the guys, I wouldn't be here right now.

I groaned as some girls started to sing the song "Stole My Heart" loudly. I wanted to run over there and tell them to shut up, but it's not their fault I continueasly heard that song(along with the rest of the guys songs) almost every night. All of a sudden, I felt my iphone in my pocket started to vibrate widly, and I dug in my pocket for the phone, expecting it to be a call, but once my hands wrapped around it; it stopped, making the vibrate to short for it to be someone calling me. And that's when the blue screen was popped up saying New Message: From Paul. I rolled my eyes and opened the message from my ex, probably something along the lines of "Please take me back Kayles -- please?" or something like that. He's texted me that a few times before. But as I watched the message appear on my iphone screen, my heart froze.

"You can take my heart, if yours won't beat. We're forever unstoppable. <3" *

I swallowed the lump in my throat, deleting the message and pushing the phone into my back pocket. Oh god, why did he do this to me? Why does he make me cry? Why does he make me want him back? What did I do to deserve this?

But no matter how many questions I ask myself, I'll only get one answer.

I still love him.


* The song is Forever Unstoppable by HCR

"You can take my heart, if yours won't beat. We're forever unstoppable. If your torn apart, I'll make you see; that nothings impossible. When your broken, and shattered; Love will save you, from disaster."  - Favorite part of the song.


OKAY. :) I know I know. I'm late on uploads. I hope you guys understand; because all of my fans mean to much to me for me to loose them. <3 I promise I'll upload tomorrow -- I swear. Oh. and the ONLY reason I added a little HCR into a 1D story is because I was listening to HCR while writing this(I know, I should be listening to 1D music, but I did that earlier today XD) and the lyrics just were like "MICHELLE, put me in your story." -- hah, not really. Most of you probably think I'm going insane because of my head injury, don't worry -- I'm fine. xD Haha, anyway -- this chapter was mainly to introduce Paul & Ellie, so that's why theres no 1D in here. I might add another chapter 2night -- depends. Well, thanks guys!

xx Michelle

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