the ride free....sort of

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Zero's pov.~

Must've fallen asleep at some point...or everything was a dream. I didn't really want to open my eyes because, well, I did kinda have a fear that it was all a dream. Freedom is something I dream about on the regular, not usually with others in it but oh well.

I finally decided to open my eyes to find I fell asleep laying on something.....more like someone. I pushed up to see better and saw the guy covered in blood just laying there, it didn't even look like he was breathing.

I looked around me gathering my seroundings, two, three minutes later I realised we crashed. It was fast and I must've passed out while going down, and well landed on Mr. Bloody here. Gross.....I only enjoy blood if I'm the one inflicting it on others, theres more fun in killing when it's just you. With others it's not the best experience.

When I took a better look around I figured without any movement around everyone was dead. So...being the freak I am, I raded Mr. Bloodys pockets, I found a lighter, a few bullets, and a fake ID card. He probably used it to get in and 'save' us. See how that worked, huh.

After that I looked for the copter/plane, didn't take too long to find it. It suprisingly wasn't on fire and ready to explode, I still had to be cautious and carefull. I needed the suplies in the damn thing, Im not dumb enough to leave all the goods. After gathering what I needed out of there, I started walking with the map I also took.

While walking past Mr. Bloody, he was apperently not dead...oh joy. Why won't anyone stay dead? "H-help me..." he groaned and reached for me. I stepted farther away and took a good look over him, yeah, no, he wasn't gonna live even if I did try to help him. Sad isn't it?

"You should've thought twice when you 'saved' us, this was bound to happen one way or just couldn't see that, and even if I bandage you up, you still wont make it" I spoke true words and started to walk away. It doesn't bother me, at all, the fact that there was bloodshed over us leaving irritates me. I mean, hey, that was my ride to freedom....I could've made it, all the way out of that shit hole.

From the map I had it said that we were close to some sort of base. Great now there gonna think I did it, and made the mess oh joy.

One minute I'm trying to figure out the map so I can avoide the base and than the next, I'm being tackled by some spycho bitch that ripped the map I had in my hands. What a bitch.

"Natally! Get off of him he didn't do anything!" Some guy yelled at the crazy bitch and she didn't budge. "Snake, Baine, come help me get her off of him!" The guy yelled again and two other guys started to pull on her to get her off.

"No! He killed him! I know he did! I know it!" By now tears were streaming down her face. Gross. "No he didn't!........did you...?" The guy that started the yelling started to talk cival, I really didn't want to respond to that.


Another, another, another

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